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Which One Would you Buy?


I set out this morning at 4:30am to start insulating the house section with faced fiberglass and the goggles and mask sucked. Goggles were fogged in about 10 minutes, and the N95 mask was blowing air directly into my eyes when moving around. Pissed me off.

So I decided since I was already going to buy a powered air facemask, now is the time to buy it. I've already done stupid shit by breathing in dust and debris when doing autobody work before and had a lung operation as a result of my stupidity, so I'm not going to repeat that.

So which one would you buy? I need at least 80' of hose and a full face mask. I'm leaning towards the BreathCool II only because of so many complaints of the hose being too rigid and a pain in the ass with the Hobbyair 2. Thoughts?

The 90* air fitting on the mask of the Breathecool II looks like an after thought in design and might be a pain when turning your head ? Edit Did you see the Vinyl Hood on the Breathecool II page?
The 90* air fitting on the mask of the Breathecool II looks like an after thought in design and might be a pain when turning your head ? Edit Did you see the Vinyl Hood on the Breathecool II page?

That's built that way by design. The hose goes over your shoulder to keep it out of the way and is held in place by a belt on your back.
The first 2 you posted will those be usable to do paint & body work? guessing that what you'd want them for after you're done with insulation
The first 2 you posted will those be usable to do paint & body work? guessing that what you'd want them for after you're done with insulation

Yes, I had already planned to buy one for painting. I'd rather have fresh air instead of breathing through a filtered mask where the filters will get clogged rather quickly (been down that road many times).
I've got the hobbyair and that's my only beef is the heavy hose. It's not a big problem until you walk to the other side of the car....travelling alongside the car isn't an issue. Having the air hose and the fresh air hose is a pain, but you deal with it. The hobbyair comes with the half mask, and the full face is an option, which I sprung for and it's really a must since isocynates penetrate the eyes and my evac system isn't up to paint booth standards.
If you're using it for construction also, I'd 100% go for the breathecool. Would love to hear feedback.
I've decided I'm going to buy the BreatheCool II full facemask, and additional 100' of hose and the lens covers. I figure the 25' hose that comes with it should be good to drop in a 5 gallon bucket of water to cool off the air if needed, but 100' of hose should get me anywhere.
I've decided I'm going to buy the BreatheCool II full facemask, and additional 100' of hose and the lens covers. I figure the 25' hose that comes with it should be good to drop in a 5 gallon bucket of water to cool off the air if needed, but 100' of hose should get me anywhere.
You ordering the Spray Sock too? Description says it’s a must for spray painting
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