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Anyone used a Caprice steering box?


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If so, do you remember what pressure hose you used for the power steering pump? It’s been 17 years since I installed it, and I have no idea where my notes are and I can’t remember. Oldsmobile soundos familiar, maybe 85-89.
This is the 90 degree fitting that goes into the back of the ps pump.
You can use a straight fitting that's cheaper if you'd prefer (961947ERL)

Fittings for the steering box (16 mm)

18 mm for steering box

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If it's the same as the GC box, I just used an adapter from o-ring to taper.
The article mentions that. Look down at the comments at the end.

Ken says:
September 17, 2018 at 12:11 pm
If you’re installing a later model gearbox that uses the 16mm and 18mm “O”-ring fittings, you can still use the original lines by using the “flare adapters” from Borgeson.



They drop in the hole where the “O”-ring used to seat and create the correct 45° seat.

Notes: When installing, they do not have to be a tight fit in the “O”-ring bore. Per Borgeson, the “O”-ring areas were not always exactly the same diameter, so if one (or both) do not “drop” in, it is OK to sand the smaller area of the adapter until you can install it with ease. Also, the kit comes with 3 adaters. The two larger (inner) diameter adapters are for the steering gear. The smaller (inner) diameter adapter is for use on the pump (if adapting a late pump to early lines). In most cases, the smaller diameter adapter will not be used.

The best part is because the 16mm and 18mm threads from the newer gear are so close to the earlier (original) 5/8″ and 11/16″ line sizes, the newer gear accepts the older lines with no other modifications than the flare adapters.

To adapt the early 2-bolt flange of the “A”-body steering shaft to the later (smaller) gear-box input, the late ’70’s-early ’80’s Chevy C-10 used a rag joint that becomes the perfect adapter.


So I can buy these adapters and also get the stock hoses from RockAuto ($18 + shipping for both) and that's all I need !
Wish I knew about these adapters before

View attachment 14069
Beth what box are you using? I’ve been thinking about the JGC box but mine steers pretty nice with 245/45r17” tires on it
I’m almost finished with the OD trans swap, still need to tidy up the Vintage air install which works great then probably do the steering box swap, Hum then I’ll need to find something else to do,,,565 cu in BB? 😁
I used the original pump with the Caprice box. I got around the metric requirement by swapping the fitting on the back of the pump with one from a pump that was from around the same year that had the metric threads on it. The part of the fitting that actually screws into the pump had SAE threads even on the metric one. Then I found a pressure hose with the right bends on the end fittings. I’m pretty sure it was from an 87 Cutlass but I’ll have to take mine off and compare with a new one to be sure.
Ok, it‘s the hose from a 1987 Cutlass with 307. I bought both the box and the pump and hoses from the junk yard for the Caprice, then used the box as a whole, and used the pressure side fitting from the Caprice pump.
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