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Electric Bill

Store 10kw for backup power, and sell back the rest.
Should be 8-years of breaking even on the lease, then all free electricity plus a little profit after that.

Equipment will lose some efficiency over time, but should cover my needs for a long time. Especially once the kids start moving out.
I though about solar but I would want a ground mounted system back from the house, IMO the panels, like cell towers are eyesores plus where I could put them is my leech field. I also cannot justify the cost and ROI.
I almost had a 32’x26 or28’ home shop Except City Permitting 🤬 so been renting 2-12’x24’ storage/shops 10 blocks away with limited electric & No ac 🤬 since 2016ish now $390 month, would’ve already paid off the home shop
I have plenty of room for a shop but where I want it is my septic field. I can deal with what I have, been able to for 20 years. I don't see any more frame off restorations, 3 is enough.
We timed the market right... no way I could afford the same place today!
We bought in 2012 for a little over half what it's worth today.

4.5 acres in the country, on a blacktop road, 10 miles from a growing city with lots of career options, and a good "small town" school district... checks all the boxes, and is in high demand now... just wish I could pick it up and move it all to someplace with warmer winters and fewer commies.
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