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Tesla - Pretend to Save the Environment While Looking Rich

Great video I love the Gull Wing doors but on the back and not the front? He reminds me of one of my EX clients, named his son after Elon about 3 yrs ago
I know Rick ! This guy is hilarious. This sums up every EV owner I know. including the few Ford MachE buyers. Up until about two months ago, Every person (x5) I knew that had a Tesla sold them or traded them not even a full 2yr into it. All EE or IE's and they went back to Combustion. Now I know a new group that went for the end of year rebates on several brands, and they are already talking about giving them up. I love watching the carnage as they try to sell everyone (talk themselves into) on their purchase. Even funnier after the resale.
I've seen so many teslas on the road, but even still, when I was down in Delray beach in April, every 5th car we saw was a tesla.

While it's cool engineering, I can't justify the cost at all, and mostly I do see it as a status symbol much like when Lexus first came out.

I had a boss who had a Lexus and I used to bust his balls by asking him how he liked his Toyota, and he would get mad and tell me it's a Lexus and I would point it out and say, "Then how come it says Toyota on the glass?", and that would piss him off even more.

I truly enjoyed knocking him down a few pegs and he knew it, but he always fed into my question.
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