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Diane Feinstein


Veteran Member
Senior Member
She was a true politician. That’s not a complement.

Where are all the idiots who recently defended her continuing to “serve?”
LONG overdue!
Those who have never lived in KKKalifornia cannot really know what a Witch she was.
But now her name will be on public buildings, and streets, just like (Dingy) Harry Reid in NV. :sick::poop:(n)
There is a real problem with lifetime politicians!!! They believe they will live forever! Sad to see someone die, but politicians need to stop living on power alone and enriching themselves and start serving the Americans that they represent. This is a general statement, not intended to be directed toward anyone in particular! But, I'm sick & tired of all the dishonesty/corruption in our Federal Government!
^^^^ 100%. By its nature the job leads to corruption, privilege and eventually they become out of touch with the needs of their constituents and have no true accountability.
There is a real problem with lifetime politicians!!! They believe they will live forever! Sad to see someone die, but politicians need to stop living on power alone and enriching themselves and start serving the Americans that they represent. This is a general statement, not intended to be directed toward anyone in particular! But, I'm sick & tired of all the dishonesty/corruption in our Federal Government!
^^^^ 100%. By its nature the job leads to corruption, privilege and eventually they become out of touch with the needs of their constituents and have no true accountability.
I agree, but here's the real problem the way I see it: Almost ALL of our politicians here in the USA are Attorneys. IDK why it is, but if I had to pick one profession that has the highest percentage of crooked corrupt individuals, I'd have to say lawyers hands down, (followed closely by doctors). And that's BEFORE they run for office and become a part of our greatly oversized government. Now I realize that there are crooked dishonest mechanics, plumbers and many people in other professions, yes. But IMO the entire judicial and legal system is bent and twisted, and the only redeeming factor for us is our Bill of Rights, and the element in our rule of Law which states that people on trial are still innocent until proven guilty.

But from the beginning of their careers, Attorneys learn and practice how to manipulate the law and the court system like a chess match being played. I'm sure there are some honest and ethical Attorneys out there, but I've only met one that I know of so far, and unfortunately for me he has passed away. The rest of the ones I've dealt with don't seem to have any scruples nor conscience about what they do, as long as it earns them more $$$. I once had a friend who was an Attorney who I raced against at Englishtown Dragway and he seemed like a decent guy to hang around with, but I never had to employ his services.

I wish there was a way to place a cap on the percentage of our people in government who can be Attorneys because their art and their sport consists of manipulation of Laws and once they're in power they become much worse from an ethical standpoint IMO. Back in the 90's I remember hearing something about the USA having more Attorneys than any other nation. IDK if that's still true today, but I don't doubt it. But there seems to be a glut of them in our society as well as in our government, and IMO that one reason alone is the biggest factor which dictates all of us not being truly represented in congress nor in the white house either. I think that's the biggest reason why I voted for Donald Trump. He isn't a Lawyer. And maybe that's the real underlying reason he is so hated by politicians of both parties. But I digress.
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