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Southern Baptist Church Questions


Anyone have any Opinions on the type of Church..? They are wanting our Church to Join them. I would like the pro's and Con's of a move like this. One of the main Questions is there a contract or any documents to sign to join. And is it hard to leave them..? Would really like to speak to someone who was a member there that is not now.
Where we live there are Baptist churches everywhere (I live in the deep south), and we're Catholic, so I have no idea of the service itself, but have never heard of having to sign a contract to join or attend.

Most of our neighbors are Baptist and are very nice people (I'm sure there are nasty ones too though). I wish I could offer more insight.
Just was curious..they are wanting to take over our church there is only 12-13 of us left..Our church building is paid off
Just was curious..they are wanting to take over our church there is only 12-13 of us left..Our church building is paid off
Heavy Baptist population in our area, they seem to do a lot of community events. My wife's family is Methodist and my family Orthodox, previously Episcopalian. I can say no dues to be Episcopal or Methodist, I have heard there are required tithes in the Catholic Church.

My issue with many of the churches of many denominations is they tend to be self centered. For instance, during the scamdemic the Methodist church took up a fundraiser to pave a parking lot and not for the community.

Fortunately or unfortunately we don't really attend a church. I was educated Baptist, Catholic and Quaker while being an Episcopalian, I think my early religious drowning and belief contradictions of denominations influenced my distaste for organized churches. Both kids were Baptized but never went to Sunday school as the age of the parishioners was +55 and there was little youth activities. Scouting did help with some of those activities because the Troop was sponsored by another Methodist Church.
Maybe this will help some:

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I can't fault the way the collect and pass offerings to the central church, but much like the Catholic church, it seems to be monetarily based be it for fellowship or supporting the community. The big problem I have with the Catholic church is them telling you how much you should be giving, and that has always angered me. I've always felt it was a voluntary offering based on what you felt you could give or afford. If I elect to help someone (as I had been asked by the church), they expect monetary contributions whereas I see giving of you time is more appropriate if you have the ability.

Sorry to get off on a tangent, I just happen to have a sour taste from being forced into larger contributions through embarrassment in front of a congregation. Piss poor in my book and why I don't attend church anymore. It's more personal I suppose.
I don't think most people who belong to a church feel compelled to agree with every doctrine, unless it's a "big one" like abortion.
I don't see how any christian can think abortion is ok.
Baptists usually don't believe in drinking alcohol, but Jesus didn't turn water into grape juice ?
Church of Christ are the goofiest IMHO. They won't allow instruments inside the church and some of them truly believe they are the only ones who Jesus saves ! LOL
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Anyone have any Opinions on the type of Church..? They are wanting our Church to Join them. I would like the pro's and Con's of a move like this. One of the main Questions is there a contract or any documents to sign to join. And is it hard to leave them..? Would really like to speak to someone who was a member there that is not now.
I would carefully read any "document or contract."
I don't think most people who belong to a church feel compelled to agree with every doctrine, unless it's a "big one" like abortion.
I don't see how any christian can think abortion is ok.
Baptists usually don't believe in drinking alcohol, but Jesus didn't turn water into grape juice ?
Church of Christ are the goofiest IMHO. They won't allow instruments inside the church and some of them truly believe they are the only ones who Jesus saves ! LOL

Every baptist I know drinks beer or alcohol.
The way I see it and read it, alcohol can be used without becoming sinful. It can also be used to excess, which can lead to sinful ways. Much like a lot of the wonderful things in life; sex, food, money... it's all about what you do with them and where your heart is at. And thank the LORD above that He gave his Son, to pay our price for our failures, and redemption!
As a small kid I was raised Catholic and did 2 yrs in Catholic school then in the later 60’s was raised going to church of Nazerine ? Now I sometimes go to the church of my picnic table so I’m no help, I can’t see having to sign Anything to be a member of a church but I do know of an MC club you need to sign titles to to become a member 😐
Anyone have any Opinions on the type of Church..? They are wanting our Church to Join them. I would like the pro's and Con's of a move like this. One of the main Questions is there a contract or any documents to sign to join. And is it hard to leave them..? Would really like to speak to someone who was a member there that is not now.
I belong to one. The only thing required to become a member is proclaiming your faith and being baptized by submersion. I was baptized in an Eastern Orthodox church as a baby, then at 35, baptized by sprinkling on the head at a United Methodist Church, but couldn't join the Southern Baptist church until being submerged. We left the church a few years back after a disagreement, and it was as simple as just not going back. We ended up going back a couple years later though.
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