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NC mountains

Leave just starting to turn there? Looks nice.
We didn't get to go on our fall trip, wife's back was too bad. Went for a week but only went as far as Jamestown ND.
When we left Hayesville yesterday, we drove a couple of miles South into GA and drove East into SC and over the mountain into NC, an easier drive. US 64 in the NC mountains is a beautiful drive but it is slow and very twisty, will wear you out around all of the hair pin curves.

We made it home today. Leaving the campground in the park is a very steep hill with turns, when we got to the top I told my wife we didn't break an axle or twist a driveshaft off, she didn't think it was funny.

Gorges State Park in Sapphire, NC IMO has the best campground of all of the NC State Parks. We will visit there again.

Oh, and great waterfalls, this one, Rainbow Falls, is in the park. It was a 2.5 mile hike each way, somewhat strenuous.
This one is Dry Falls just west of Highlands, NC
Oh, and no trip to the mountains in the fall can be complete without fresh orchard apples.
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