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The Doctor gave me good news this week


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Seems after I went to see my doctor for the 1st time in a few months I got some good news a few days later. Most of my life since the early 80's I have suffered with an underactive thyroid and about 10 years ago it led to my heart disease. So on Thurs. she called me and said all my thyroid numbers were perfect and it's the 1st time I can remember that happening. I had a number of problems getting the meds to work over the years inc. stuff that's not made, super expensive drugs and the worst of all, crap that just did not work no matter what strength I tried. What I did over the last year was re-asses what was going on and how to fix it this time for good. One thing was my blood pressure pill that is a beta blocker did not play well with the thyroid meds if you take it too close it the same time period as taking a thyroid dose, why? because beta blockers are given to people also who have, now get this, An over active thyroid isn't that interesting. So what I found out was that when I took both the thyroid and beta blocker the blood pressure meds were keeping the the thyroid meds from converting my T4 to T3 and without T3 your body does not function right, the other thing I found with taking thyroid meds was, DON'T START OUT AT A HIGH DOSE as it shocks your body too much so then you are more likely not wanting to take the meds. Now things are working so well I can do stuff I did 20 years ago and have way more energy then I can use. Being out in the heat does not bother me anymore and after working out for years I have a lot more stamina and less days being tired not wanting to do anything. I hope this keeps working now for a while, I got a lot of things left to do.
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