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Interchange for hood latch spring?


Well-Known Member
Senior Member
Like anything classic car related, the springs for the hood part of the hood latch are stupid expensive. I can get a compression springs at Ace for $5. I'm just not sure of the specifics especially the rate.

Anyone have specs and a source, McMaster Carr maybe?
Presuming you are looking for the spring that goes over the post to pop the hood up when you release the latch. They aren't that expensive.

Have I ever told you how much I hate Ebay? I searched numerous times for that spring and the cheapest on I could find was $34
Will that one work with a 69?

Some of the places that list them say 1971-1980, but the spring from spring from OPGI is listed for 1968-1969, and the spring from AMD says 1965-1977. I really don't know if they fit all the years or just specific ones. As for eBay, I shop there all the time. I've had very few problems over the years.
It's kind of looking like the spring is the same for multiple years/models. Summit doesn't specify on the ones they sell.

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