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Motor Oil Shortage

I'm about to find out today..... I have to buy 2 cases of Amsoil Signature Series from Napa...... Usually when I buy in bulk I have to order in advance.
I use Motorcraft 5w-20 Synthetic Blend in the Fusions, I have to order it as I do Mercon LV. I use 15qts of Delo 5w-40 Syntetic in the Excursion and Rotella 15w040 in most of my flat tappet engines. All of these brands are hard to find. The 5w-30 and 10w-30 bottles seem to be mostly synthetic now, in my older cars I like dino oil.
Was at Advance Auto yesterday. There is a nationwide shortage of Rotella Diesel Oil. They told me Rotella has temporarily stopped filling 55 gallon drums and is shifting to consumer production.

Diesel oil has the Zinc for our old engines. I have noticed more people resurrecting older cars lately and with shows like Vice Grip Garage on You Tube the diesel oil market is being promoted.
The only engines I have that might? be able to use the Home Depot deisel oil would be my fresh 489 with a hyd roller cam but lifters call for 10w30 or my ls 4.8 in my 05 chevy work van but I really dont think it be a good idea
There's going to be major shortages everywhere as we travel down this road that involves other countries vying for the top spot.
I've been contemplating the start of buying oil by the barrel. Obviously more expensive but buying in bulk has a better price savings. My local O'Reilly's is still completely stocked though.
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