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Weiand water pumps now Chinese, still any good?


Veteran Member
I almost bought a Weiand polished aluminum water pump this morning but held off after learning they are now Chinese made.
Really tired of American brands pimping for the Chinese, quality usually goes to 'Biden' at the same time. :(
Looking for US made all I could find was Meziere, and $500 vs $200, for a water pump! headbang.gif
If the Chinese whoremongers were not so overwhelming I expect that the US made pump might be $300 with the increased sales volume.
Of course curbing the EPA zealotry would probably help too, not sure how many US casting foundries remain.
So, is WeChink still decent?
Yup. Meziere, Tuff Stuff, Flow Cooler, Stewart Components, Edelbrock ( I currently run) all made in USA.

I've been wanting to switch to an electric from Stewart for some time.
I Googled USA made Chevy alum water pumps, a $241.99 popped up on Speedway but specs says Not for above 5,500 RPM so I guess that's something you might want to watch for before buying
I looked on Tuff Stuff website and says these are made in Cleveland Oh


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