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Anyone have a Benwil TP-9 or TP-7, 2-post lift?


Veteran Member
Anyone have a Benwil TP-9 or TP-7, 2-post lift?
My TP-9 is missing the original Base.
The base is used as a template for setting up.
I need to know the width apart from the back side of each column.
Original manual shows 144-3/4" for the tabs at the outside edge of the base.
But I do not know how long those tabs are.
Since this lift uses chains I have less leeway for error.
I know this is really reaching, but they sold a lot of these and I could use some good luck.
That is the company I spoke with this morning.
PDF does not give me usable dimensions and they do not stock the part.
Yes it is the side to side cross piece I am missing.
Found another way to do it but still need that one dimension.
We are going to saw a 2" deep groove between the post for a chain run.
Then all I need is a flat cover which will be easy to drive over or pull tool across.
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