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Insurance 🤬


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Well my auto ins for my 05 Express 2500, 09 Ram 1500 and 20 RAV4 just jumped from $1,500+ to $2,000+ for 6 months, Uninsured motorist, other people having accidents and population growth in our zip code is apparently the cause, we’re both safe drivers and Kathy hasn’t driven a car in 3 yrs but we get to foot the bill for this Bullshit, can’t wait to get my business insurance bill, property ins is basically the same this year but wondering about next year, Chevelle’s about the same, anyone else notice their rates hiked?
Well my auto ins for my 05 Express 2500, 09 Ram 1500 and 20 RAV4 just jumped from $1,500+ to $2,000+ for 6 months, Uninsured motorist, other people having accidents and population growth in our zip code is apparently the cause, we’re both safe drivers and Kathy hasn’t driven a car in 3 yrs but we get to foot the bill for this Bullshit, can’t wait to get my business insurance bill, property ins is basically the same this year but wondering about next year, Chevelle’s about the same, anyone else notice their rates hiked?
They are blaming it around here on increased parts cost and repair costs and vehicles being more expensive.
Insurance in populated areas seems to be skyrocketing. My youngest just moved to Tennessee (last week) and her insurance cut in half. She also has USAA (because I served), and her fiance's dropped about 1/3, but he had a speeding ticket within the last 6 months.
It’s Fn ridiculous paying for crap like uninsured people having accidents, higher pop areas etc but Kathy already paid it and says shopping will lower our credit score, I’m shopping in 6 months F it
Don't see how shopping it around lowers your credit score. They do hit your credit to see your available rates, but that's a soft hit versus a hard hit. Hard hit is when you use credit to buy a car or house.
It’s Fn ridiculous paying for crap like uninsured people having accidents, higher pop areas etc but Kathy already paid it and says shopping will lower our credit score, I’m shopping in 6 months F it
Alot of the rates have to do with the State Government. NC is unusual, it controls the insurance rates. In a non election year the rates go up. For many years NC has had very cheap rates, unfortunately that is changing.
Don't see how shopping it around lowers your credit score. They do hit your credit to see your available rates, but that's a soft hit versus a hard hit. Hard hit is when you use credit to buy a car or house.
That’s what I tried telling her but she gets all spun up so I just drop it but I’m changing companies in 6 months to whoever cheapest, I’ll check with my home/business ins agent
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2 of my clients are insurance brokers so they seem to find me great rates on liability insurance, but USAA for auto insurance beats everyone cost wise hands down by hundreds.
Welp, not everyone served in the military, you had other things on your plate. It's all good.
My Gfriend’s older brother and I were going in on the Buddy System but I was on Salvation Army probation for street racing and other BS driving stuff and the Fn probation officer wouldn’t sign off on it, even went to Jville and passed the physical, I was pissed my BIL to be was pissed
Jennifer just let me know that our auto insurance is going up $157 a month. We have Geico here in Florida.

I just told her what you said about USAA Kevin.
Jennifer just let me know that our auto insurance is going up $157 a month. We have Geico here in Florida.

I just told her what you said about USAA Kevin.

If you want to Join USAA you have to call yourself (as the service member) then if you decide to go with them, then you can make her a authorized contact for the account, then you can add all your kids into USAA and they can get their own insurance with them. All my kids have USAA.
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