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2005 Ford Mustang V-6

Update... After radiator was replaced the cooling system is working properly.

Nasty oil has been changed, all spark plugs, tightened loose exhaust connection at flange, cleaned MAF sensor, and started it up. P0172 and P0175 are gone, P2198 has popped up, going to replace HEGO Bank 2 Sensor 1, it was the one next to leaky exhaust flange.

Engine is running so much better and quieter.

This is not a hard car to work on, everything is fairly easy to get to.
No codes!! Auto zone O2 sensor replaced with Motorcraft. I ket it run for a while to get to operating temp.

I told the kid I am doing this for to put insurance back on it so we can get the system emission ready, hopefully everything goes to ready without error codes. He is tickled to death that his car is running again.

Kid is coming down on Saturday to help repair the front end rattle, Sway bar links are loose. I still have to put the bumper back on and the kid is bringing the stock intake/air box to get rid of the crappy K&N.

Kid came today and brought me the stock air cleaner. Poor guy has never done any mechanical work, The lug nuts were on so tight it was incredible. I got all but the locking lug off on the fronts, no key but I made him loosen all that he could on the back and explained a torque wrench to him and made him torque the lugs.

I also made him tighten the sway bar links and taught him how to use a grease gun.

He has yet to put insurance on it and of course the tags and inspection is dead. I told him to run it up and down our country road, he is down to 2 not readys in the system. He is all smiles, even put the car cover on it, I think he will be here on Wednesday to take it home, that is when the insurance goes on it. Inspection and tags are on him.
Got a call tonight, the Mercedes wouldn't start, I suspected a dead battery. Kid has been driving that car. I loaded his Mustang on the trailer, drove to the city, unloaded it and jumped the Mercedes off and on the trailer it went. Kid is getting it inspected tomorrow then tags.
The driveway is slowly getting back to normal.
You mentioned something about a possible head gasket ? if the coolant is getting into the combustion chamber and its getting burned the O2 sensors will be contaminated and that could be the cause of the rich and lean codes.
Its easy to check the fuel pressure regulator with a hand held vacuum pump and a fuel pressure gauge. One other thing is a fuel pressure gauge, that is a very important part of OB2 diagnostics. The good thing is they're now priced so the average DIYer can afford them without taking out a second mortgage.

I missed all the newer texts on page 2 so I'm editing this to let you know most of this can be ignorred if you're past these troubles
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You mentioned something about a possible head gasket ? if the coolant is getting into the combustion chamber and its getting burned the O2 sensors will be contaminated and that could be the cause of the rich and lean codes.
Its easy to check the fuel pressure regulator with a hand held vacuum pump and a fuel pressure gauge. One other thing is a fuel pressure gauge, that is a very important of OB2 diagnostics. The good thing is they're now priced so the average DIYer can afford them without taking out a second mortgage.
That was the 2017 (I think). The 05 had a very leaky radiator, one replaced coolant was holding level with no problem.

I replaced the plugs, cleaned the MAF sensor, tightened the exhaust and changed the oil. The P0172 and P0175 was there due to engine temps (radiator) and exhaust leak mainly. The final code was the HEGO sensor bank 2 number 1 was an Auto Zone and was right behind the exhaust leak. That code went away on replacement and the MIL cleared and went to ready status.

His 2017 is still in the shop, hopefully will be worked on in the next week or so.
Great that you fixed it yourself and also that you're getting the boy ( your Son ? ) involved with the repairs himself. You're doing what 90% of the men in America won't do, that's Awesome
Not to change the subject but about the younger men can’t/won’t do mechanical stuff, about 10 years ago my stepson (Fantastic young man) at first didn’t even want a DL,,, 2nd thought I’m going to start a thread on this subject
Not to change the subject but about the younger men can’t/won’t do mechanical stuff, about 10 years ago my stepson (Fantastic young man) at first didn’t even want a DL,,, 2nd thought I’m going to start a thread on this subject
This kid wants to learn, my son does not, unfortunately. I have taught him to use a torque wrench on lugs, tighten bolts correctly, use a grease gun and fasten a car on the trailer. I am also teaching both of my kids and their significate others proper maintenance intervals, and how to be aware of problems.

Neither the boyfriend or the girlfriend have fathers worth a crap to teach them things, in fact both come to me for assistance and advice.
As long as they want to learn that's half the battle right there. If someone doesn't want to learn you can't force them.
Sounds like your Daughter picked a good boyfriend.
This kid wants to learn, my son does not, unfortunately
Don't give up on your Son just yet sometimes kids need years to get their minds straight before they realize what is most important to them.
As long as they want to learn that's half the battle right there. If someone doesn't want to learn you can't force them.
Sounds like your Daughter picked a good boyfriend.

Don't give up on your Son just yet sometimes kids need years to get their minds straight before they realize what is most important to them.
My son is 25 and does his own thing, we are proud of him and his accomplishments, he has a great job with growth potential and his head is screwed on straight. My daughter is the mechanical, hands on kid.
My son is 25 and does his own thing, we are proud of him and his accomplishments, he has a great job with growth potential and his head is screwed on straight. My daughter is the mechanical, hands on kid.

Don't give up on him just yet. My son Paul is not mechanically inclined and just asked me to do a father / son project putting his 2006 F250 6.0 back together and build a skirted flatbed for it, and he'll be 27 this year.
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