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How do you stop this? Oil puddle on the intake.


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Senior Member
This is on the C10. I soaked up this little puddle once and it appears to be back. I’m guessing oil is creeping up through the bolt hole?
Intakes are blind holes, so it's coming from above, base gasket, bowls or something else carb related.
Gotta smell it but it looks like oil and if it were gasoline it’d evaporate. Can’t imagine why oil would be coming from above.
Maybe the pcv hose on back of carb is seeping. Bad carb gasket ?
You were probably going to clean up the engine anyway ? Pull the intake, clean everything, install new gaskets.
You have nice weather there so it's easy to work outside :)
Those holes in the middle are not blind - they go right through into the intake valley on every small block I have ever worked on. Clean it up, remove the bolt, then use the correct sealant on the threads. Let it sit for a day to set up, then see what happens.
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Maybe the pcv hose on back of carb is seeping. Bad carb gasket ?
You were probably going to clean up the engine anyway ? Pull the intake, clean everything, install new gaskets.
You have nice weather there so it's easy to work outside :)
You don’t know me very well. Lol. J/k. I’ve thought about it but not sure what my goals are for the truck. I kind of like it as is. It’s far from a show truck and I don’t want to do anything that’s gonna be a pain to upkeep.
Still struggling with whether I want to upgrade intake. My thoughts are to degrease engine and paint block, intake and valve covers. Also sandblast the exhaust manifolds and paint or coat them.
You don’t know me very well. Lol. J/k. I’ve thought about it but not sure what my goals are for the truck. I kind of like it as is. It’s far from a show truck and I don’t want to do anything that’s gonna be a pain to upkeep.
Still struggling with whether I want to upgrade intake. My thoughts are to degrease engine and paint block, intake and valve covers. Also sandblast the exhaust manifolds and paint or coat them.
If that carb doesn't run great, I would look at the 625 Street Demon. Lots of guys at OCS like this carb.
I can't believe it's gone up $100 lately. Inflation is terrible plus I think Holley was bought out and they've been jacking up all prices.

I stand corrected. Don't have head here to view, but are the inner 4 bolts all exposed to the valley?
I've never had the bolts leak and never used sealer.
I haven't worked on a SBC in over 25 yrs but from what Brian said the center int bolts go into the valley, so a good thread sealant should be used and I wouldn't use Right Stuff in this application, Wolfplace rec'd Permatex Premium or Professional? Edit Permatex High Performance Thread Sealer
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