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Anyone do a conversion? Is it worth the effort? My SBC is nothing crazy so I expect to have no issue with having enough vacuum.
I was looking for C10 parts on CL and a guys is selling a pump for $75. Prob can do better at a pick and pull. He’s also got an Eldorado rear disc brake set up that I’m trying to resist. I had planned on staying with rear drums and just bought new wheel cylinders. But always consider budget rear disc brakes. Gotta figure $25 each for news discs and $50-85 a piece for new calipers. Could be less than $300 all in (for the disc brakes, not Hydroboost).
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Have you thought about the 11” rear drums? I did the rear disc thing and really think unless you’re road racing it’s not needed, JMHO
I have hydpboost on my wrecked 75 chevy.

Pending my vacuum on my Mark Jones 406 that I received a few years ago, I was going to go Hydro. Build is on here. As it turned out, I get great vacuum and never had to switch over and the Chevelle has front and rear Wilwoods. Everything works as it should.

Ive done a few conversions. No issues. Many would just rather do vacuum can. Or can and small pump. Then a Hydo. If I did have an issue with vacuum, I like a clean look and would have gon Hydro
I had it on my Chevelle. Loved it on the street and hated it on the track.
I fought brake lock-up a lot until I took it off and went manual.
Derek to you have 4 wheel manual disc? or disc/drum?
4-wheel manual disc.
C5 Corvette front, 98-02 Camaro rear. Wilwood 7/8" master cylinder

The down-side to going manual is that you have to run really aggressive pads with a lot of initial bite. I use Hawk HP+ and they are very dusty, noisy, and kill rotors pretty quickly... but I'm a lot faster with this combination.
4-wheel manual disc.
C5 Corvette front, 98-02 Camaro rear. Wilwood 7/8" master cylinder

The down-side to going manual is that you have to run really aggressive pads with a lot of initial bite. I use Hawk HP+ and they are very dusty, noisy, and kill rotors pretty quickly... but I'm a lot faster with this combination.
I’m thinking this Would Not be a very good street set up? BTW I grew up on manual drum brakes
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They behave fine on the street, but it's annoying to ALWAYS have dirty wheels.
I can't run to the gas station without the wheels getting covered in brake dust.

I have a new dual master balance-bar setup from Wilwood that I'm going to try with 13/16" masters, and hoping that will allow me to change to less aggressive pad.

The Hydroboost was very nice on the street.
Thanks. I’m gonna pass on the Eldo rear disc brakes. It’s one of the smallest setups and fits under 14 inch rims. I’d be doing it mainly for appearance but since I’m still planning to use my 15 inch rally wheels, can’t seem them anyway. I’ll just see how my brakes perform with the current front Discs, rear drums and go from there.
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