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Visually I have a hard time telling the difference between 14" and 15" rims.
Both look good and look the same to me.
I sold my good friend and co-owner of a M/C & Hot Rod shop where my body work was finished the 454 for $1,000 (I was going to ask $2K) that I had in the Chevelle when we swapped in the 489 leaving that Tom Mobley rebuilt 3310 on it, it was going to go in his 52 Suburban but he died before that happened then the day of or day before his funeral the body/mech guy that worked there called me wanting to know specs on that engine, I didn’t answer the phone but he left a message I never answered, I had no idea those carbs were worth that kind of $$$$ Also air cleaner to oil pan, WP to flex plate and gave him the Summit headers I blasted and VHT coated
I sold my good friend and co-owner of a M/C & Hot Rod shop where my body work was finished the 454 for $1,000 (I was going to ask $2K) that I had in the Chevelle when we swapped in the 489 leaving that Tom Mobley rebuilt 3310 on it, it was going to go in his 52 Suburban but he died before that happened then the day of or day before his funeral the body/mech guy that worked there called me wanting to know specs on that engine, I didn’t answer the phone but he left a message I never answered, I had no idea those carbs were worth that kind of $$$$ Also air cleaner to oil pan, WP to flex plate and gave him the Summit headers I blasted and VHT coated
Chevy always used vac secondary carbs for gas mileage and simplicity but the double-pumper has about a 20 hp edge on the dyno (Engine Masters).
But if it's a show car, originality is #1 !
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I don't know what carb is on my current '67, but it's no Holley! LOL! Likely the stock L35 396 carb that came on the car when it was new. Rochester? I put a new 327 into my '55 Chevy when I was 14 (was a 6) and it came with the intake for a quadrajet, but I could never get that carb to operate right, so I bought a transition plate and installed an AFB Carter Carb and it was stellar!
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