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Removing powder coating.


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Rims on my JD are powder coated & it's peeling & rusting & the tires are losing air.
Is there a method to remove it? It doesn't sand very well.
Sand blasting works fine. I had my skidsteer rims blasted because the tires didn't seal to the rims anymore and I was tired of the issues. I'd put tubes in the tires, but they always seemed to pop. Had them blasted and powder coated (all 4 entire rims) and then put new tires on and never had an issue again.
Sand blasting works fine. I had my skidsteer rims blasted because the tires didn't seal to the rims anymore and I was tired of the issues. I'd put tubes in the tires, but they always seemed to pop. Had them blasted and powder coated (all 4 entire rims) and then put new tires on and never had an issue again.
What did it cost to have them done? I know they're a bit bigger than my rims.
What did it cost to have them done? I know they're a bit bigger than my rims.

That was about 10 years ago and as I recall it was $75 a rim. They powder coated bobcat orange. Black or white would have been $10 less a rim. Figured I was getting it done, might as well used the right colors.
That was about 10 years ago and as I recall it was $75 a rim. They powder coated bobcat orange. Black or white would have been $10 less a rim. Figured I was getting it done, might as well used the right colors.
That was before, probably double now. When I had that base for my drill press blasted I was charged $100.
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Gasket remover works for me. Spray it on and it comes off after a few minutes.

Acetone I think works too.
My company requires that any aluminum part to be welded & its filler rod be cleaned with Acetone. Processing Dept. takes care of that.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) is my favorite solvent.
I think sandblasting is the only practical way to remove powder coat :

Go to the auto store, buy a can of gasket remover. It's in a blue can I believe it's in a blue can.

If I have time in the next couple days I'll show you.

Go to the auto store, buy a can of gasket remover. It's in a blue can I believe it's in a blue can.

If I have time in the next couple days I'll show you.
Sand blasting would obviously damage an aluminum wheel. I thought we were talking stock steel rims ?
Sand blasting would obviously damage an aluminum wheel. I thought we were talking stock steel rims ?

Been there done that. I will post a pic of my weiand intake tomorrow that I cleaned and powdered myself.

I am going to start removing damaged powder off a set of lakewood ladder bars and do those. They are already powdercoated but the coating is old and scratched.
Here’s a thread that discusses
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