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And they say kids don’t like classic rock


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Senior Member
My 13 year old had his School of Rock show last night - Deep Purple vs Blue Oyster Cult.

It blows me away how much better he’s gotten since he first picked up a guitar a year and a half ago.

It blows me away that these are all KIDS, 13-14 years old.

They are really good!! I assume your boy was the tall kid playing the Jackson? Clearly a young man with good taste. I have a Jackson too. He’s really good. Solo was great!
Thanks for sharing.
They are really good!! I assume your boy was the tall kid playing the Jackson? Clearly a young man with good taste. I have a Jackson too. He’s really good. Solo was great!
Thanks for sharing.

That’s him. I told him when he got good enough we could find a decent quality guitar and if he came up with half I’d get the other half. He looked for a couple of months before settling on the Jackson. He got it a year ago December and his Christmas present was a Dave Mustaine Thrash Factor bridge pickup.

Seems like he can learn anything in 5 minutes or less. Walked into the practice room and he had my Gretsch resonator which is tuned to open E running through the Peavey 5150 half stack and he was playing some weird metal shit that sounded, uh, well shall we say different. I said “but, open E“ and he was like no biggie dad I just move my fingers down or up a fret here and there, piece of cake
That Jackson is a really nice guitar btw. X-Series Soloist, made in Indonesia. Fit and finish is really nice. I think the days of a young player being able to buy a USA made instrument used for a decent price are over, but some of the stuff coming out of Asia is quite good and relatively inexpensive although that’s changing somewhat.

Still, I have a Les Paul and it has a certain something that my other guitars just don’t have. Call it whatever you want - soul, cred, mojo, etc
I love my Jackson. DKMG made in Japan. Archtop, translucent red finish. Dual EMG humbuckers and Floyd Rose.
Here’s another. Different group. They swap in and out, different kids. They did a two hour set, 19 songs total. I didn’t get them all but got most of the ones he was in.

The girl singing in this one is a 12 year old 6th grader.

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