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Oh joy.


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Yesterday I heard the furnace making a funny noise. Went up to the attic to find it full of smoke. Long story short the HVAC guys are coming today to replace the entire system. Pretty soon I’ll have to write a check for 2/3 of what I paid to get two masters degrees 30 years ago 😵‍💫

It’s been coming for a while. Every year for the last couple years we’ve had to have them add refrigerant before we start the AC because of the leaks. The heat part was supposedly “7 years old” when we bought the house 14 years ago but I think it’s at least 25 now. It’s worn out.

This comes after a new roof and gutters last year.
Shit ain't cheap no more. 20 years ago (5 houses ago) I put in a new Trane 4 ton variable speed heat pump with all new duct work, vents, and everything, AND, had another 10" of blow in fiberglass added and it cost $5k. I shudder to think what that'd cost today. I just installed 4 mini splits into my new place (almost done) and that cost me $4,400.
I wish I had the energy to take on replacing this myself. I’ve just got too many other things I’m doing
I'm about to turn 61 in a few weeks and I can tell you it gets worse. This is the last place I'm building (by myself). I feel like I've been beaten like a red headed stepchild. I told my wife if I ever say I'll build another place to kick me in the ass to remind me I can't do this anymore. My mind says I can do it, but my body tells me, " Not today asshole, you abused me enough already".
Tomorrow we're installing a 3.5 ton Comfortmaker 14.3 SEER heat pump with 5KW emergency heat strip, 10 yr all parts warranty, new 3/8" & 7/8" copper line set, new hurricane rated cond pad, new line cover, relocating outdoor unit, new digital Tstat & over flow safety switch, 1 yr labor warranty for $8,500 plus $165 for a county permit, this is an electric furnace sounds like you have Gas?
Tomorrow we're installing a 3.5 ton Comfortmaker 14.3 SEER heat pump with 5KW emergency heat strip, 10 yr all parts warranty, new 3/8" & 7/8" copper line set, new hurricane rated cond pad, new line cover, relocating outdoor unit, new digital Tstat & over flow safety switch, 1 yr labor warranty for $8,500 plus $165 for a county permit, this is an electric furnace sounds like you have Gas?

5 ton AC, gas heat. We didn’t get estimates, just went with our regular outfit that we’ve used for 10 years. Their estimate was pretty average for the area and the,systems they use are top quality. It was still bloody expensive But that‘s the last big thing we need to replace.

But I’ll tell you, it was 64 degrees in here after the heat being off and it took 10 minutes to get the house to 72. The old system would have run continuously for 6 hours. I expect we’ll see some savings on our monthly bill
The biggest part is now I don’t have the cash for the car projects. I was just about to take the block from the CRX to the machine shop
The biggest part is now I don’t have the cash for the car projects. I was just about to take the block from the CRX to the machine shop

Pretty sure your wife and kids wouldn't be too happy without heat, at least that's been my experience. Like Rick said, the block can wait.
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