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Kathy was looking through YouTube for comedians to watch doing stand up shows and ran across Phil Hanley, very funny IMHO, has a small speech impediment but not hard to understand, I’ve been home sick this week and watching the tube with her lol
Kathy was looking through YouTube for comedians to watch doing stand up shows and ran across Phil Hanley, very funny IMHO, has a small speech impediment but not hard to understand, I’ve been home sick this week and watching the tube with her lol
Has she seen Nate Bargatze ? He's the new king of "clean" family friendly humor.
If you have Netflix, there are a couple of one-hour shows of his available.

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I always like Bill Cosby's comedy before he turned out to be a predator.
One observation about Cosby : why is it that every woman who slept with him is innocent ?
It's well known he is married. And these women who slept with him were probably trying to get a favor from him.
None of them had any proof. But since there were so many of them, a jury was convinced Cosby was evil.
It all seemed like a "money-grab" to me. Accuse the rich guy of rape and get paid $$$.

Cosby offended black leaders when he said blacks were responsible for their own problems. That made him a target.
One observation about Cosby : why is it that every woman who slept with him is innocent ?
It's well known he is married. And these women who slept with him were probably trying to get a favor from him.
None of them had any proof. But since there were so many of them, a jury was convinced Cosby was evil.
It all seemed like a "money-grab" to me. Accuse the rich guy of rape and get paid $$$.

Cosby offended black leaders when he said blacks were responsible for their own problems. That made him a target.
You have a point
Cosby offended black leaders when he said blacks were responsible for their own problems. That made him a target.
It’s amazing how something so obvious cannot even be said today. Saying that the black community has to look inward for part of the reason why they’ve lagged behind in society would be like praising Hitler in today’s society.
I've long thought at ol Bill was targeted for advocating black personal responsibility. And several of the women have since admitted that they made up their stories. I'm willing to bet he diddled a few over the years, but the left can't allow a black man to criticize other blacks like that. He had to be punished.
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