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Long night last night.


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Our Chi Peanut started puking up blood about 9pm, it was quite a bit. No weekend emergency vet here, used to be before Kung Flu.
None down the road 75 miles, closest 165 miles in Duluth. So I headed out at around 10:30pm got back at 8am this morning.
Not 100% sure of the cause vet thinks maybe the pain meds he got from teeth extractions & too many treats along with an already sensitive stomach.
All kinds of different medicine + a close to $1000 bill.
What you don't do for the furry ones.
Our Chi Peanut started puking up blood about 9pm, it was quite a bit. No weekend emergency vet here, used to be before Kung Flu.
None down the road 75 miles, closest 165 miles in Duluth. So I headed out at around 10:30pm got back at 8am this morning.
Not 100% sure of the cause vet thinks maybe the pain meds he got from teeth extractions & too many treats along with an already sensitive stomach.
All kinds of different medicine + a close to $1000 bill.
What you don't do for the furry ones.
Wow, that's rough. Sleep well !
I slept till about 11, kinda like working night shift again, but used to catch a couple winks as long as the machine was sounding the siren.
Yep, Lisa's the same way. She can't say no when it comes to her furry babies.
Like us, would rather have a big chocolate chip cookie or an awful tasting piece of fish. Not all fish is bad but most is.
Like us, would rather have a big chocolate chip cookie or an awful tasting piece of fish. Not all fish is bad but most is.

Belle's favorite is green peas. Can't tell you how many cases we have, but it's at least 5 or 6. I like green peas too, but the peas are always split between Lisa, myself, and Belle.
Vet said with his stomach he shouldn't even have Milkbones.
Our last big dog we had pretty much ate anything, here favorite was after deer season she'd go around & find all the discarded deer scraps. She would bulk up pretty good for winter.
Spring we'd have deer parts laying all around the yard.
Funny you should post that..... I can go out and take pictures of those exact can's in cases we have sitting on the shelf of our food stores.
Our male Chi has Pancreatitus and supposed to be on a bland diet, boiled chicken is ok but no more Sam’s club rotisserie chicken, I bought some 4 or 6? Packs of this for our Bad Times like Hurricane etc but now it’s Furry Kid food along with Sam’s boiled skinless breast meat lol


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Vet said with his stomach he shouldn't even have Milkbones.
Our last big dog we had pretty much ate anything, here favorite was after deer season she'd go around & find all the discarded deer scraps. She would bulk up pretty good for winter.
Spring we'd have deer parts laying all around the yard.
My laughing emojie was about the deer parts, I’m feeling bad for your pup
Our male Chi has Pancreatitus and supposed to be on a bland diet, boiled chicken is ok but no more Sam’s club rotisserie chicken, I bought some 4 or 6? Packs of this for our Bad Times like Hurricane etc but now it’s Furry Kid food along with Sam’s boiled skinless breast meat lol

Yep, Lisa feeds that to Belle too.
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