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Car safety experts want to bring back buttons

I know when you're in the thick of it you can't see the humor, but trust me, that was funny as hell.
I had it working once from my phone but can’t remember how I did it and refuse to pay for the Toyota app lol, I was at Toyo last week I wish I’d asked oh well
I had it working once from my phone but can’t remember how I did it and refuse to pay for the Toyota app lol, I was at Toyo last week I wish I’d asked oh well

I'm the same way. I spend money when needed, but I also won't piss it away if there is an alternative.
The little shit box I bought 3 years back (and sold it to CarMax for a profit), had the android stuff and when I plugged in my android phone to charge it auto configured itself.
Other night at the Chevelle I couldn’t get this damn iPhone to BT connect to the Retrosound stereo, I’m sure user error lol
I don't play the radio in the car, so I don't worry about it, plus my truck is a 2000, so I don't have any of that stuff in it.
I don't play the radio in the car, so I don't worry about it, plus my truck is a 2000, so I don't have any of that stuff in it.
I was just sitting around drinking a beer and thought I’d turn the car stereo on, only time I listen to the stereo in the car is when it’s parked
I want my 65 Nova back with a one speed wiper, no radio and a 4 banger, those were the days:ROFLMAO:
I want my 65 Nova back with a one speed wiper, no radio and a 4 banger, those were the days:ROFLMAO:
A 4 Banger?? C'mon Man! Got have a Hopped Up 327 & 4 spd ;) a friend pulled a 6 banger & PG out of his early 60's Chevy II Nova SS and dropped an L79 & 4 spd in, that car was a State Fair Crazy ride then his newly married wife totaled it, nobody was hurt
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