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Mail Lady (lady is used loosely)


I'm priming the shop bath and hear the mail truck beep its horn and I go outside. Mail lady looks to be in her mid 40s tramp stamp dressed pretty slutty (imo) delivers some stuff and wants to start talking, I'm working and not in the mood, she's all smiles and telling me this is a big place, is it a shop? No, it's my house. Barndominium with a big shop. She asks do I do alot of projects, I said you could say that, she asks who built it, I tell her I did, her eyes get wide and then she asks is there a Mrs. And I tell her yep, for 37 years. Her eyes get sad and then she asks do I ever go out drinking and I tell her nope, waste of money and I'd rather put that into all my classic cars. Then her eyes get wide and I say nice talking to you I'm in the middle of something and need to get back, and she says I hope in between her legs you sexy thing, then my eyes went wide and I walked away. FFS what's this world coming to?
I had some old bag mail lady today try to scold me for not shoveling a path to my mail box, I told her "that's what the f-ing street and driveway is for. She looked to be like 70 years old and slower then molasse. I think she'll be dead before I get my mail next week.
I had some old bag mail lady today try to scold me for not shoveling a path to my mail box, I told her "that's what the f-ing street and driveway is for. She looked to be like 70 years old and slower then molasse. I think she'll be dead before I get my mail next week.
My mother is a retired postmaster, when growing up she made me shovel out our mailbox all the way including part of the road so the carrier could get to the box.
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