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Arm Rests or Ashwells


New Member
Does anyone know if the 69 Malibu, 2-door coupe came with rear armrest bases and pads or with ashwells? I am redoing my 69 and there are ashwells and the Stage IV kit did not include ashwells. I am more concerned because this would make the rear bench 4-6 inches shorter then the bench without the ashwells. Then the rear foam and Upholstery purchased with the kit will not fit properly. I am wondering one of thr prior owners switched out seats.

The attached photo shows the ashwell.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you


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IMO those don't look original. Finding exact cloth seats is a challenge and have to be specially made, all of the aftermarket stores sell vinyl.

Have you looked under the back seat or on top of the gas tank for a build sheet?
No build sheet. The cloth are old aftermarket seat covers. Underneath is vinyl, parchment in color, which is the interior color called out on the cowl tag.
That rear seat is probably a convertible rear seat, so you should be able to sell it for more than a coupe back seat.
Seats are expensive ! :) I just did my 67 vert interior.
Looks to be the hardtop BOP version. A convertible armrest is wider, much more forward on the upper half and the ash tray is set in a different location. Unfortunately, those are fairly abundant compared to the '68/'69 chevelle rear seat. I've got one, but shipping would be a killer......I'm at 97078.
Sourcing a correct rear seat which is, off memory, 58 or 58 1/2 wide and only came in a '68 or '68 chevelle or a post sedan version of any BOP from '68 to '72, can be a struggle and they typically sell for $500 or more.
Looks to be the hardtop BOP version. A convertible armrest is wider, much more forward on the upper half and the ash tray is set in a different location. Unfortunately, those are fairly abundant compared to the '68/'69 chevelle rear seat. I've got one, but shipping would be a killer......I'm at 97078.
Sourcing a correct rear seat which is, off memory, 58 or 58 1/2 wide and only came in a '68 or '68 chevelle or a post sedan version of any BOP from '68 to '72, can be a struggle and they typically sell for $500 or more.
Are you interested in selling the rear bench? I'm about 1,000 miles south of you.
I really just need the frames, condition of the upholstery is not an issue.
Certainly, it's a very solid seat. Shipping a seat can be costly though. I've got a bunch of '69 interior smalls that may make it more worthwhile to work something out.
I have to do the finishing touches, including the steering wheel but, I have basically completed the interior of my Malibu.


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When I shipped a 69 front bench seat I broke it down by removing the seat backs from the bottom, rear seat is already 2 pcs, I used Greyhound bus to haul it but I'm not sure they do that anymore? it was the cheapest way to send the seat from Fl to Lake Havasu Nv
Your seats look great, the pleats are very distinct much like the factory stuff. Loving the fathom green also!
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