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EV Charging Station


So as I'd taken a picture before showing we had an EV charging station in town and I'd never seen an EV in town (up to that point, but have since with out of state tags), I guess the powers that be decided they were a waste and on Saturday when I was out getting materials, I noticed the EV Charging stations had been removed.

Not sure if it was due to lack of use or what other reason, but they are gone.
We have like 9 Tesla chargers at meijer over a year ago and I have seen exactly ONE vehicle charging there.
Well, I'm guessing whatever this administration is trying to sell ain't working. There are no EV's local here and no one is buying them. We are 45 minutes from the closest city and we live in farm country (very rural).

If this is any indication of what's to come, I think it's safe to say EV's won't be a big part of the future.
There are Tesla Stations in town, being they are at the intersections of 2 US highways (one soon to be an Interstate) I see cars at them sometimes, they are placed to the side of a grocery store.
There’s 5-6 at a WaWa’s on S St Pete and bldg a large charging station behind another WaWa taking up parking space for the Lowes that uses the same parking lot, Lowes was there first, a home 3 blocks from me has their own Outlet on the front of their house I noticed a car plugged in on the way home today, Keep your Eyes on the Road my Ass I’m Nosey 🤣
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