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New 454b Freon/Refrigerant


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I don't know why they came up with this change, 454b is FLAMMIBLE !!!, No Torches are used it's all Push together fittings $$$, I haven't seen the Youtube vid of a guy going up in a cloud of smoke using torches in some other country to do a leak repair but Damn, the Air Handlers have leaks sensors that if a leak is detected they shut down Heat or Cool mode and turn the blower on to blow the leaking FLAMMIBLE freon through the ducts to dissipate, this seems to me a very large problem waiting to happen and Law Suits
Most changes like this are always done for the same reason....just to save money !!! They come up with this crap without thinking about the consequences. When something wrong does happen they'll blame it on the end users
I don't know why they came up with this change, 454b is FLAMMIBLE !!!, No Torches are used it's all Push together fittings $$$, I haven't seen the Youtube vid of a guy going up in a cloud of smoke using torches in some other country to do a leak repair but Damn, the Air Handlers have leaks sensors that if a leak is detected they shut down Heat or Cool mode and turn the blower on to blow the leaking FLAMMIBLE freon through the ducts to dissipate, this seems to me a very large problem waiting to happen and Law Suits
I think chemical companies like DuPont have lobbied in the past to get new refrigerants.
It's all about making $$$. Disgusting.
Kind of like the "new" gas cans we have; it was all because someone was bought off.
I think chemical companies like DuPont have lobbied in the past to get new refrigerants.
It's all about making $$$. Disgusting.
Kind of like the "new" gas cans we have; it was all because someone was bought off.
DuPont patents the refrigerants they create, after so many years other companies can copy (this is what an old boss told me in the early 90’s) the formula and sell their label, DuPont comes up with something else so they can be back on top and $$$ he was also telling me an officer of DuPont was a member of EPA which shouldn’t be allowed IMO Edit I bought 2 jugs of 438? some yrs back and had them delivered, R-22 equivalent, then when I got off work and read that Propane was in the mix I called and had them come pick the Crap up
Most changes like this are always done for the same reason....just to save money !!! They come up with this crap without thinking about the consequences. When something wrong does happen they'll blame it on the end users
Just to Make more $$$ IMO 😕
I went in on a pallet of 40 tanks of 410a with a city inspector and he’s also an AC contractor (just can’t work where he inspects) because I can see that going up in price just like R22 did when R410a came around in the mid/late 90’s
I went in on a pallet of 40 tanks of 410a with a city inspector and he’s also an AC contractor (just can’t work where he inspects) because I can see that going up in price just like R22 did when R410a came around in the mid/late 90’s
Good idea. I would be buying tanks anytime you see a good price.
Then you can sell it at whatever the going rate is in the future, or use it to under-bid someone else
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