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Huge TV's are becoming affordable

Nashville Cat

Veteran Member
Senior Member
I have been looking at TV's since my brother bought a 75" Samsung for $750.
TCL is currently the quality/price leader. They have a 98" S5 model for $2000 !!

At first I figured the picture quality was probably far below the top-line OLED models.
Believe me, the quality is so close between these TV's that when you pay 2X to 4X more, you can barely see the difference !
Sometime soon I'll be setting up a 98" monster in my living room
:LOL: (y)

When the Lock Down happened our Gson was here from Ky for a 2 week stay that turned into 3+ months, I went and bought a 43” TCL Roku TV and was really surprised at the quality for a $145 tv and still working great, we had his moms Disney Plus and other passwords but it still sucked we couldn’t take home anywhere


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When the Lock Down happened our Gson was here from Ky for a 2 week stay that turned into 3+ months, I went and bought a 43” TCL Roku TV and was really surprised at the quality for a $145 tv and still working great, we had his moms Disney Plus and other passwords but it still sucked we couldn’t take home anywhere
CNET is a website that does reviews of tech stuff like TV's and electronics.
For at least 5 years the #1 rated bargain for TV's has been the 6 series TCL.
What's just happened lately is the processors and software have become so good that the gap beteen standard led's and mini-led's and OLED's has closed.
The much cheaper tv's can now almost match the super-high-end tv's in picture quality.
That's why I think I'm going to buy the standard led S5 TCL 98" model. Reviews are saying it's almost OLED-like.
And a 98" OLED is $10,000 !!
We have 2 Sony Bravia LED TVs a 15+ yr old 55” & a 2-3 yr old 65” and every time I’m in Sam’s Club I get the New & Improved TV Itch 😂 I’ll have to wait till one quits, remember the TV repairman coming to your house? I was one of the guys that helped carry the big stereo console units to the shop for repair in 1975 😁🤣
CNET is a website that does reviews of tech stuff like TV's and electronics.
For at least 5 years the #1 rated bargain for TV's has been the 6 series TCL.
What's just happened lately is the processors and software have become so good that the gap beteen standard led's and mini-led's and OLED's has closed.
The much cheaper tv's can now almost match the super-high-end tv's in picture quality.
That's why I think I'm going to buy the standard led S5 TCL 98" model. Reviews are saying it's almost OLED-like.
And a 98" OLED is $10,000 !!
Wow! Aren’t you gonna have buyer’s remorse with your 98” TV when the new 100” TVs come out?
We have 2 Sony Bravia LED TVs a 15+ yr old 55” & a 2-3 yr old 65” and every time I’m in Sam’s Club I get the New & Improved TV Itch 😂 I’ll have to wait till one quits, remember the TV repairman coming to your house? I was one of the guys that helped carry the big stereo console units to the shop for repair in 1975 😁🤣
I'm just going to move my 65" OLED to the 2nd bedroom :)
I'm single and don't have any expenses to speak of so $2000 isn't too big of a deal.
I don't "need it" obviously, but at 70 years old, who knows how much longer I'll be around ?
I love watching golf, basketball and football and size does matter when watching sports !
Wow! Aren’t you gonna have buyer’s remorse with your 98” TV when the new 100” TVs come out?
Nah, they have a 100" Hisense now but it's $1000 more. TCL has a 115" coming this summer !
My living room isn't big enough to support anything over ~ 100".
I have a 65" OLED now and the size difference between that and a 98" is amazing.

This 98" TCL was $4000 6 months ago ! The sheer size of it will keep the price from falling much more.
GE refrigerators are now made by Hisense, I’m not 100% All models are but guessing so Edit Hiear or something like that since 2016 sorry I seen Hisense mentioned and it made me think about that, still F’n Chinese
GE refrigerators are now made by Hisense, I’m not 100% All models are but guessing so
Who would have thought a 100" tv with an awesome quality picture would cost the same as a refrigerator ($2000) ?
This is one time technology is really making someting affordable.

I'm just going to move my 65" OLED to the 2nd bedroom :)
I'm single and don't have any expenses to speak of so $2000 isn't too big of a deal.
I don't "need it" obviously, but at 70 years old, who knows how much longer I'll be around ?
I love watching golf, basketball and football and size does matter when watching sports !
You’ll be around when LED walls are a normal thing 👍🙂
I bought a 70" Visio about 5 years ago. Just put it back up today and it works just fine. Now mind you I don't watch TV at all but Lisa watches it all the time and she's happy. Asked her when I started building this place if the wanted a bigger TV, and she said 70" was way big enough for her.
And I have none at all. :)
I resent every moment I ever wasted on it.
Once it went full time propaganda I was quickly cured of it.
I bought a 70" Visio about 5 years ago. Just put it back up today and it works just fine. Now mind you I don't watch TV at all but Lisa watches it all the time and she's happy. Asked her when I started building this place if the wanted a bigger TV, and she said 70" was way big enough for her.
Until she sees that 98" beauty :)
LOL I know this isn't something anyone "needs".
It's like owning two nice musclecars. The 2nd one is somewhat questionable ?
From what I know about everyone here, I may be the only sports fan. That definitely makes a difference.
Until she sees that 98" beauty :)
LOL I know this isn't something anyone "needs".
It's like owning two nice musclecars. The 2nd one is somewhat questionable ?
From what I know about everyone here, I may be the only sports fan. That definitely makes a difference.

Each to their own. It's not bad to want a big TV and having multiple muscle cars is also not a bad thing. It comes down to enjoyment and how you like to spend your off time. You only live once, so make it count.
After our house fire in 2008 we had to buy new tv's and HD style tv's were relatively new and $$$$$. I bought a Westinghouse at BJ's and paid close to $900!!! We still have it along with 2 others upstairs in bedrooms, but they are all old technology by now! Not real large but fine for us. The current prices seem to be outstanding for how large you can go these days. Personally though, unless your house is large enough, a very large screen just doesn't do it for me...although it might be easier to read the closed captioned without my glasses on! LOL! My wife is deaf so I've gotten real use to using closed caption on everything. ;)
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