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Auto Insurance 🤬


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We paid Progressive $1,525 last year for full coverage on Kathys RAV4, basic liability on my 09 Ram & 05 Express 2500, this year same is $2,166 😳🤬 I think Im going to check around and maybe Dump Prog. Havent got the Chevelle renewal from Hagerty yet but last year IIRC $600 for $35K Agreed Value and Cherished Salvage, what do others have?
Im calling a few places tomorrow, only “accident” weve had is an Amazon driver in a big gray van hit her parked RAV4 parked in front of our house that cost me a $500 deductible for the $2,200 damage
Can't figure out why it should have cost you anything.
Agent said I had to sue the Amazon van owner ins company, Amazon doesnt own those vans, to get the $500 back and any loss in value to the cars resale value now that the cars been involved in an accident, Fucked Up IMO
State Farm or Farm Bureau. Progressive and GEICO are both high.
For your Chevelle, call National Corvette Museum Insurance. They require two things : car must be garaged and driven a max of 6000 miles per year.
I have Hagerty but am planning on switching

State Farm or Farm Bureau. Progressive and GEICO are both high.
For your Chevelle, call National Corvette Museum Insurance. They require two things : car must be garaged and driven a max of 6000 miles per year.
I have Hagerty but am planning on switching

Shoot I dont drive the Chevelle 600 miles a year but that hopefully will change soon, gotta get the front end aligned and Im pretty much done,,,I think🙂
I had Geico forever, and when I looked into buying my '24 GT, it was going to double. I held my nose and went with Progressive, it ran $50 more. No one else was even close. My Hagerty's went up $80 this year as well.
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