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Had RFA on my R side lower lumbar last month WO being knocked out, went for my Bad side (L) today and 2nd large needle in I was off the table, Dr asked if I was ok, I said as long as we dont do another needle so he Aborted Mission and rescheduling me and Im doing Twilight anesthesia, Ive had my neck done with a local and was ok but with the L side screwed up they said the nerves are already very tender and probably why it hurt worse, then when I was getting dressed the dr assistant said another 5 min Id been done I said Id done another 5 min 😳😕
I had to look up to see what that was. Wife has been getting cortisone shots in the SI joints about every 4-5 months for her back pain.
I had to look up to see what that was. Wife has been getting cortisone shots in the SI joints about every 4-5 months for her back pain.
Ive had those under my knee caps and helped my R knee but not the left, I hope your wife gets some relief from the shots 👍🙂
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