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Larson SBC valve covers, $1,200

I think I will be using aluminum spacers and Corvette reproductions.
I had to modify the heads to clear the push-rods with the shaft rockers, and that leaves a very narrow sealing surface. :(
This is one of the reasons I let the Larson's go, I did not want to modify their bases to clear pushrods.
When you get the CNC machine make your own spacers, or stack blue steel layered gaskets, I’ve never seen Larsen VC’s shame to have to let them go
I think I can probably buy aluminum spacers to modify cheaper than the raw material to make them, really.
Folk in the USA do not get the subsidized prices of material all the countries (Illegally*) dumping products on us do.

*With "The big guy" smirking all the way to the bank.
I have a pair of the smaller valve covers after Larson sold them out to Moroso. I would love to have those but 13-$1500 for valve covers is a little steep for me.
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