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Civil War movie


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Just got back from seeing the movie in IMAX, Kathy went on Facebook and gave it 👎👎 , 😆 I liked it a very little bit and was happy that We got out to do something but that movie should’ve been called “A Journalist Road to Journalism” or something more fitting, it was based on civil war and I semi enjoyed it, Oh ya they sold Cold Beer 😆🤣
What's the name of it ? Did they sell the old BS of how the North was willing to die to free the slaves ?? 🤪
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What's the name of it ? Did they sell the old BS of how the North was willing to die to free the slaves ?? 🤪
Civil War is the name, someone at the theater asked if we ever seen an A24 movie? I said no but didnt admit I had no idea what an A24 movie was but Googled it later and its a production company, we’ve watched X and liked it and want to see Pearl, CW had a lot of good parts but not at all what we expected
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