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Battery thread


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Needed a new battery for the DD (Buick Verano). Got talked into a more expensive AGM (nearly $200 vs low $100s for standard lead acid battery) at Costco, Interstate.

Did I make a mistake? What benefits does an AGM offer for a replacement in a daily driver?
I dont think Ive ever owned an AGM battery so Im no help but a few months ago broke down on a job and was in walking distance of Advanced Auto so bought a battery I would have never bought, Diehard at over $200 even with a $20 discount, had an $87? Battery that lasted 4 yrs and wouldve bought another El Cheapo lol Duracell bats at Sams Club seem pretty good, have them in 2 Harleys over 3 yrs old but battery tenders and 1 in the Chevelle
AGMs are more expensive and I did put one in Lisa's Escape (came with AGM stock). Got 5 years out of that original AGM, but wasn't about to push the limit and have Lisa stranded somewhere (especially being rural), so I put a new one in about a year ago.

Have no idea if the benefits outweigh the cost, but AGMs are supposed to last longer and provide more power as I'm told.
First AGM I had lasted 10 yrs. almost to the day, Optima red, next one as I was told quality is going down, made it 6 yrs. My 2011 truck I changed the original battery in 6/17 to AGM Deka & just change to to a regular one a couple weeks ago. So I didn't see any real difference in lasting, it's nice to not have acid oozing out though.
If the car came with an AGM, it needs to be replaced with an AGM. Doing otherwise will cause weird electrical issues. The is no advantage to an AGM in an older car.
But regardless, batteries are out of sight price-wise these days.
Is that ok for a car?

No. They don't have the cranking amps needed. Most of the lifepo4 batteries are limited by the BMS (battery management system) and cap the draw at 100 amps, and the starter in a car or truck will draw 200 - 300 amps at start. If you were to team up 2 or 3 of them together in parallel, then yes you probably could start a car or truck. **** Hint: Jim you can jump your own truck paralleling the new batteries you just bought if stuck in a tight spot to start your truck.
I have AGM Odyssey's in the Excursion with 900 CCA, that thing needs all the juice it can get on a cold morning. Mercedes is supposed to have an AGM, but since it is rarely driven the battery tender stays on it.

WalMart has the least expensive batteries, the big chain auto parts stores are a rip off.
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