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My Brother


Active Member
Last week I lost my Brother, Ralph to what they think it was a heart attack. To me it doesn't matter what took him away from us just the fact that he is gone is what is so much sadness to deal with. Ralph died on April 14th, 2024.
So 2 years ago, In 2022 my Wife passed away on April 13th a week shy of our anniversary on the 18th so what was once a month of things we were happy about in now gone. I don't even know how to write this so I'm just going to add things as they come to mind.
Here is the obituary page for Ralph Peduto at Stroyan Funeral Home in Milford Pa where he lived after leaving the city.

I'm sorry I can't write anything more later on
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Man I’m so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately getting older as we all are, means being confronted with immeasurable grief when we lose the people that we love the most. I hope you have people in your life that you can lean on and bring you happiness.
John, so very sorry to hear this. Indeed we are reaching that age sadly....my wife just lost one of her cousins in Florida on Saturday, April 20th. He soldiered on with cancer for several years and lived life to the fullest!

Blessings being sent your way from our family,

John (in PA)
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