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AAW classic update wiring harness


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Doing the 67 and already did most of the under dash and rear of the car (at least ran the wires but not put on bulb sockets yet). Just starting on the front now. There are 2 harnesses in front, the lights and the engine electrical/wiper/starter. Seems like there’s possibly some decisions to be made. I assume the harness is set up for a very stock vehicle. As far as I can see I need to decide:
1 HEI vs points distributor
2 single wire alternator vs stock configuration with external voltage regulator
3 stock starter with solenoid or external solenoid.

I have an HEI but am considering going back to my original distributor but perhaps with a Pertronix conversion. I like the smaller distributor and the looks of the separate coil. For a Pertronix setup, is the wire harness set up like you would for a regular distributor or do you have to do the changes you’d have to do for an HEI?

Does a single wire alternator require any modification to the stock harness? I’d like the option of doing either as I haven’t decided. I am thinking of stealing the single were alternator from my C10 because the single wire alternator makes it so the ammeter in the truck doesnt work. And I like my gauges to work.

I have a brand new starter stock style so I’m going to use that. But in the future may convert to a mini starter. I used to have heat soak issues until I put a shield on the starter. Is there any food reason to consider an external starter solenoid conversion?

Any other thoughts or recommendations are appreciated.

I have AAW and M&H under my hood but don’t remember which is which, I bought an engine harness for HEI if you’re wanting to put a point dist in with a Pert kit Id get the points harness as Im sure the Pert kit comes with everything needed, for Alt Id get the harness for a VR and use the adapter sold to covt to 1 wire alt in case you ever want to go back to orig or for resale value orig might be worth more
If you're already using an HEI, you have bypassed or eliminated the inline resistor wire so this same harness will work for the Pertronix upgrade. I'd keep the external voltage reg. and the 3 wire alternator to use what you've got.
No, the pertronix needs a full 12v like the hei. The only reason voltage is reduced on a points setup is to lengthen it's lifespan. It will operate with full voltage also, just some pitting will plague the contacts over time. I believe the wire reduces voltage to 9ish. This reduced voltage is bypassed on the start circuit, then back to 9ish voltage during the "run" circuit.
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