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Lemons headers


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Lemons are likely thee elite manufacturer of sure-fit in ultra tight applications, but I've never rung the bell. I have a set on the shelf that I scavenged from a sold car, but I'd never spring for new. Not knocking the pricetag, but it does seem the bar has been raised a bit.

I'm in the "Me Too" on being on the frugal side when it comes to headers, can't see spending $2,600 when a $600 set and a few dimples here & there will do, my Patriots do hang a little low but haven't scraped anything yet
These are obviously used, imagine what a new set will run!! Last time I checked, prices start at $1500 but quickly escalate.
They are spendy, Calvin Elston headers I've heard were around 3K but they made the Lemons headers look like a China knock off they really were artwork.
I wonder what it would actually cost in the end if you bought a kit that you weld yourself then get Jet Hot or whatever coating of your choice? Id bet its more labor of course but still cheaper, it is nice having each tube individually bolted to the head but you could do the same, guess its more about your time spending on it
When I did mine I bought too much material but would still be about $300 for tubing & quality flanges. Being my first time I had about 100 hrs. in mine, a good builder should be able to make a set in about 20 hrs. Depending on the design 4-1 vs. 4-2-1. Lot easier to do 4-2-1/triY. Calvin only built stainless headers.
I don't know how much Jet Hot is now, it was $300 for mine plus another $100 round trip.
So my headers cost $800 10 years ago.
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