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Cooling System Flush


Shop Foreman
Not for a Chevelle but for a tractor...

Under load after mowing for a while my diesel tractor over heats meaning TEMP light comes on, when it happens I either stop and idle down and cool it off or I take it to the hose and spray the radiator, either way not ideal.

When I go the tractor the antifreeze was dirty and some mud came out. At that time I did a drain and fill. Last year I had to replace the water pump so another drain and fill. I am thinking there is sludge in the block and it needs a good flush.

What are thoughts on cleaners in the system and then do a good fresh water flush? I have also thought about a small pusher fan on the front of the radiator.

I won't mess with this for a few weeks but I wanted to wrap my head around this.
good for killing Mold too

We just went through that with our leather theater seating..... cleaned it with a vinegar solution, but it didn't kill all the mold and it made the leather kinda stiff. Second cleaning was with Lysol wipes immediately followed by leather conditioner, and then it was good.
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