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Old Chevelles

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Brother's Collection

Well, I believe that must be heaven on earth right? 😉. Not enough Chevelles but I did see a couple of ‘69’s and the red Z16! Need more! I couldn’t get over that long row of ‘65/‘66 Shelby Mustangs!!!! Brings back memories as my neighbor had a ‘66 when I was in Jr HS! Then my first job turned out to be a Ford Dealer who was also a Shelby Dealer! But even then I was a Chevy guy! (My Dad never ever bought a Ford anything....only Chevies & Oldsmobiles). I believe I’ve seen a video on YouTube of that collection....tons of Hemi cars too! Thanks for sharing! Hope you didn’t leave too much drool on the floor! 🤣
Here's a video just sent to me, it covers most if not all the stuff on display. The number was around 350, and there's another 300 or so not available for public viewing.

I may have missed it, but I didn't see a single 66 Nova SS like Grumpy Jenkins drove.
Those were the most sought-after cars when I was in high school.
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