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Submersible pump & GFCI


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I put a cheap submersible pump in the pond to add some aeration. It ran for about a month & tripped the GFCI I figured my tape job on the plug on the cord. ripped it apart it was wet.
Re did it ran a couple days & tripped, it was dry this time.
Pump ran out of water plugged in with the cord on the pump, plugged the ext. cord on tripped. Didn't trip with the ext. cord only
Cut the plugs off spliced, tripped, pump not in the water.
is the pump running 24/7? Is it rated for continuous duty? What length and size (gauge wire) of the extension? What amperage is the GFI?
is the pump running 24/7? Is it rated for continuous duty? What length and size (gauge wire) of the extension? What amperage is the GFI?
It had been running for about a month, but it's not rated for continuous. I think the ext. cord is 14ga. the GFI is 20 amp. I think the pump is only supposed to be draw 2amps.
It had been running for about a month, but it's not rated for continuous. I think the ext. cord is 14ga. the GFI is 20 amp. I think the pump is only supposed to be draw 2amps.

If it's not rated for continuous I'd check the amp draw now. Motor might be burnt. Most pumps rated for continuous duty ain't cheap because they have to be built to higher tolerances. if you check to see what the draw is right now, that'll tell you what's going on. If it's the pump, then you can buy the same one again and cycle it. 2 hours on, 2 hours off.
If it's not rated for continuous I'd check the amp draw now. Motor might be burnt. Most pumps rated for continuous duty ain't cheap because they have to be built to higher tolerances. if you check to see what the draw is right now, that'll tell you what's going on. If it's the pump, then you can buy the same one again and cycle it. 2 hours on, 2 hours off.
It could be full of crap too I have a quite a bit of stuff floating.
Still fighting this, bought a new pump it's suppose to be a pond pump. Damn GFI tripped right away, tried a another one I had & that one is dead out of the box. Air pump is running fine. SOB
Still fighting this, bought a new pump it's suppose to be a pond pump. Damn GFI tripped right away, tried a another one I had & that one is dead out of the box. Air pump is running fine. SOB

Put a regular plug in place and test. If that works fine, the GFI's are shot. I personally like the GFI breakers as they are a bit more stout to handle loads rather than the receptacles, but they ain't cheap. In my new place everything is ARC and GFI rated in my breaker box (single circuits, not double pole).
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