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Bought a new mower a couple days ago.


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Funny how that is until you tell them the lawn ain't gettin' done because you ain't push mowing it.

Like I tell Lisa, if I can't mow it from the zero turn, it ain't getting cut. I'm way past that getting off the mower to trim. I put borders around stuff, cover the dirt with filter fabric, and then fill with 3/4" river rock and never look back.

I like to mow, but if it requires physical manual labor to push a mower, I ain't doing it.
Funny how that is until you tell them the lawn ain't gettin' done because you ain't push mowing it.

Like I tell Lisa, if I can't mow it from the zero turn, it ain't getting cut. I'm way past that getting off the mower to trim. I put borders around stuff, cover the dirt with filter fabric, and then fill with 3/4" river rock and never look back.

I like to mow, but if it requires physical manual labor to push a mower, I ain't doing it.
I used to have Pam mow with the JD but she figured out how to lower the deck more so it was almost scalping & after about 3 times of putting the AC back on the pad I told her she demoted to the push mower. Now her back is too messed up so I do it all.
I have a self propelled Honda push mower and a trusty Murray pusher but a small yard so before I get sore it’s done 🤣
I used to have Pam mow with the JD but she figured out how to lower the deck more so it was almost scalping & after about 3 times of putting the AC back on the pad I told her she demoted to the push mower. Now her back is too messed up so I do it all.

Lisa doesn't ask to mow, she knows I'm anally retentive, plus I enjoy it because it doesn't require any thought, just drive.
I mowed so much grass as a kid that I swore I'd never do it again, and I have not. I've never owned a mower, edger, weedwacker or any kind of clippers. When we bought our first house, I got a yard guy and have had one ever since.
I'm a John Deere guy....have a self-propelled walk behind that they don't even make any longer (aluminum deck with a 6 HP Kawasaki Engine)...that thing is 25 years old and starts immediately with the first pull! Incredible machine. I think they stopped making it because they lasted too long!!! :cool: I use it to trim, especially along our fencing which is probable 500 or 600 ft when considering mowing both sides in places.

Then I get on my JD Riding Mower which is so quiet and smooth....just love the thing! Sometimes I wish the yard was larger so I could ride more!

The thing I HATE is running the trimmer!!!! With a fence, etc. it's required sadly. I usually break things up to make it easier on my old bones. (y)
I hate to mow the yard. I have a nice Honda with all the options. When it gets too hot, I try to pay a neighborhood kid to mow it.
Yall have fancy stuff. My 2010 Cub Cadet and the old Satoh take care of the yard ( about 4 acres). New mowers are outrageous in cost now, I will buy used from now on. I am not a person that has to have a perfect yard, just cut once a week.
I'd be all over that WonderBoy, what a cool resto project. I'd have a stupid grin on my face mowing though and it's probably good that there's no "crazy person hotline" anymore.
Wife go an EGO mower last year for $50 and it's paid off pretty well for her. Now she actually like to mow the grass.
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