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Update on my Radiator Project


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I managed to get the radiator out yesterday. The lower hose removal was a struggle but I finally got it off. I think I will install a new hose and fittings when reinstalling the radiator.

Ok, here’s the deal: So far, I cannot find any part numbers or stampings on this radiator! Ugh! There is an Inspection Sticker on there, but more importantly, after referring back to Jeff Helm’s article & research on Harrison Radiators for ‘66 & ‘67 Chevelles (on Team Chevelle), I believe my radiator has the look and size of a 4 core Harrison Radiator ‘with Shroud’!

From the outside, it certainly appears stock like a Harrison but I see no stampings on it. I will know more after getting it rebuilt, but I’d like to try & find out more before taking it to the shop.

I can post some pics, but wanted to see if anyone might know what I might have here.
Harrisons should be embossed into the upper fill tank. We still have 1 rad shop that I'm aware of, still do full rebuilds of copper/brass rads, but last time I checked they were around $500 for that service.
Been looking at Ground Up and OPGI, both show 4 core Radiators as direct replacements for my '67 Chevelle that match original design look. So, the radiator I have is likely one of those. I'm looking into other accessories, like the drain cock, overflow tubing, etc. but I think I will get it to the radiator shop next week to have the guy look at it. I think I'd still prefer fixing this one, if it's repairable, because it has that original "Look" for sure and might be made well overall. New ones could run $600 or $700 it looks like, and quality?
A local guy has a '66 vette on blocks in front of his garage......what a glorious sight!! So, yesterday I stopped in and chatted a great while with him. He bought the car from CA recently and it's a survivor with 48k miles. Perfect interior, one repaint that's flaking in spots, worn chrome, etc. He was on the fence of restoring it and I think I may have convinced him not to. The car just looks like any of the hotrods parked in any parking lot in the 70s, and my message to him was this..........how many restored cars do you just walk by because you've seen them over and over again and it takes a very special car to gain your interest? Then there's his vette, a car that's showing use, and tells a story that we can all relate to and still shows the true essence of what gm had designed and engineered.

My new friend then told me a neighbor had seen his vette outside also and stopped in to ask if he could help restore his '67 camaro. He declined, but the guy said he was a former engineer for chevrolet and not really a car guy, but all his friends seem to be and they all banned together in the mid '70s and bought him a '67 camaro. He never really drove the car, but just stored it. Turns out it was a '67 prototype Z/28 set aside by Bill Mitchell, whom he knew well, and the car was never for sale, but Mr. Mitchell thought he deserved to own this particular car. My new neighbor buddy was only vaguely familiar with the history of the Z but after our conversation, he was changing his mind quickly on aiding him in the restoration. I offered my help and hopefully can be involved to some degree. I know of another local '67 survivor Z that still wears it's original paint, interior and drivetrain.....it beat my '69 conv. at the local concours de' elegance several years back.

Yes, while I love to restore and do appreciate all the work, research and talent that goes into a restoration, my love for the car itself can best be presented with all the scars and testimonies from the car and it's owners.
Yes I remember them being about 100 as well. We still have an old time radiator shop here in town. Though I don't know for how long because the man that owns and works the shop is in his 80's. Online, a new radiator for a 1942 tractor was 3000$. He built one for us a few years ago for 500$
I am going to call around a couple places and see if I can find a shop to fix a radiator, I put a replacement in my car but I don't like it. My tractor may also need to be cleaned, IDK yet. Overheats but may be a bad sender, ordered a gauge for it.
Well, I took my US Radiator (4 Row) to my local shop today. I met the guy who has been there for many many years, so fingers crossed he can repair the leak and make it as good as new! While it's out I'm gonna dive in and do a few things while access is easier in the front of the car! Like replace a low beam headlight (original style), install correct grill emblem (nobody seems to know how to position the SS Emblem proper!), and then just do some clean up, etc. Couple of pics of the radiator attached.


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There's a guy right here in my town that used to have a great radiator repair business but now he rarely does any work although he still does. I have two Harrison rads one with some markings but I can't find out what they mean so I just keep them sitting in my shed till I find what The codes mean.
The best rad was in my ElCo when I first bought it but I replaced it cause it leaked. Luckily I didn't scrap it when copper/brass was high down at the scrap yards.
Does anyone know where to look up the codes that are stamped or put on Harrison rads ?
On a crossflow, there's tank codes, which are embossed into the tank, then there's application codes and date codes which are stamped onto a tag which is attached to the fill tank. I've had to look them up, I believe "chevellstuff" covers them.
There’s a great research article on TC by Jeff Helms that explains the part numbers, sizes, etc. I believe Chevelle Stuff also discusses Harrison Radiators. I was disappointed mine wasn’t the original one but it’s a 4 row with a shroud which cools way better than stock no doubt!
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