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Waxed Today


Badass 5.0 Owner
Senior Member
The car, that is. Due to the loss of my 3 car garage in the divorce, I now have a 2 car, so my new Muastang sits outside all the time. I'm in this car for the long haul, and am doing everything I can to keep it nice. I'm at the six month mark, and today I clay barred and waxed it. I've always used Chemical Guy's stuff, but I waxed it with thier Butter Wax when I got the car, and didn't feel like it lasted very long. The car is washed once or twice a week. I bought some Collinite 845 Insulator Wax, as I'd heard it was extememly durable, even when exposed to weather and washing. One bottle was $20, and two was $24.95, so I got two. As sparingly as you use this stuff, I hope I live long enough to use it all up! Its oily, and it smells bad, unlike most modern products that smell like fruit or candy, which I believe is on purpose as a motivator to get you to use more. It does come off fairly easily, and I guess time will tell on the durability. It did give the car one hell of a shine though! Anyone else ever heard of or used it?

Not that particular product.

I haven't found a durable wax yet, most seems to wash off in the rain. The best care I have found is to clay bar the paint, clean it than wax, it is amazing how much crap sticks to the finish. Clay bar will even remove over spray from a rattle can.
I've never liked wax, although the prep work to deep clean your paint is a must. I'm a big fan of ceramic coatings though, it provides a true level of protection while giving the best appearance. The way it was always explained to me.......a wax coating will bead water, and that bead acts as a magnifier of the sun's rays and literally destroying at an advanced rate your clearcoat. It also will inbed any micro contaminants into your car's finish. Towel drying won't help, unless you never drive in the rain. The ceramic coating just acts like a slick shield and the water just runs off. I've never waxed my 01 Silverado, bought new, and it sits outside 100% and looks near perfect other than the stuff I've done to it.
I've never liked wax, although the prep work to deep clean your paint is a must. I'm a big fan of ceramic coatings though, it provides a true level of protection while giving the best appearance. The way it was always explained to me.......a wax coating will bead water, and that bead acts as a magnifier of the sun's rays and literally destroying at an advanced rate your clearcoat. It also will inbed any micro contaminants into your car's finish. Towel drying won't help, unless you never drive in the rain. The ceramic coating just acts like a slick shield and the water just runs off. I've never waxed my 01 Silverado, bought new, and it sits outside 100% and looks near perfect other than the stuff I've done to it.
My camper is a PITA, can't keep that thing shiny, fiberglass doesn't hold up to the harsh sun like car paint does.
Around here, a REAL ceramic coating takes 3 days and costs over $1,000. I like waxing and detailing in all its forms, and have waaaay more products that any one person should have.
I am pretty OCD and like to see the finished results. My house is the same way. I was off work today and took my shirts to the cleaners, and the girl there said it was the first time in two years she'd seen my in anything other than dress clothes. I had on khaki shorts and a polo shirt and Topsiders.
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