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Chicago Street Race (Nascar Road Race)


Active Member
I know there are some people that don't like nascar, for the record I don't approve of their politics either. but I missed this race last year and didn't want to miss it this year. It is a street race in Chicago so lots of road racing type action.
I just watch for the racing and MUTE ALL THEIR COMMERCIALS and sometimes I mute the announcers too. The race starts at 4:30 on NBC projected to go to 6:30. If push comes to shove and I don't like the announcers talking I leave the TV on mute and turn my music on, thats a perfect solution for me .

Chicago Street Race right now 4:30 pm on NBC projected to go to 6:30 pm.
I know there are some people that don't like nascar, for the record I don't approve of their politics either. but I missed this race last year and didn't want to miss it this year. It is a street race in Chicago so lots of road racing type action.
I just watch for the racing and MUTE ALL THEIR COMMERCIALS and sometimes I mute the announcers too. The race starts at 4:30 on NBC projected to go to 6:30. If push comes to shove and I don't like the announcers talking I leave the TV on mute and turn my music on, thats a perfect solution for me .

Chicago Street Race right now 4:30 pm on NBC projected to go to 6:30 pm.
They do one every year in St Pete but it’s Formula1 cars, St Pete 500 or similar, fenced off road course through downtown St Pete, never been but we can hear it
I know how that sounds too. In the mid 80's they used to do the Indy car races in the meadowlands around Giants stadium and I could hear those Indy cars all morning long, practicing on Sat and then racing on Sunday. I'm only a stones throw away (about 2.5 miles and uphill) from the stadium and those cars sound great from the stands and echowing around the buildings.
After the race (86?) I was driving around the stadium to see how it felt for the drivers. But my Sears radials on my 74 Century hit a turn with built up rubber leftover from the race and I almost hit the wall with my tires skittering and getting zero grip. Luckily I was only doing 30-35 just circling the stadium trying to get back to rt 3
I know it sounds dumb now but I was in my 30's and you know how it goes .....
I know how that sounds too. In the mid 80's they used to do the Indy car races in the meadowlands around Giants stadium and I could hear those Indy cars all morning long, practicing on Sat and then racing on Sunday. I'm only a stones throw away (about 2.5 miles and uphill) from the stadium and those cars sound great from the stands and echowing around the buildings.
After the race (86?) I was driving around the stadium to see how it felt for the drivers. But my Sears radials on my 74 Century hit a turn with built up rubber leftover from the race and I almost hit the wall with my tires skittering and getting zero grip. Luckily I was only doing 30-35 just circling the stadium trying to get back to rt 3
I know it sounds dumb now but I was in my 30's and you know how it goes .....
My nephew was a supervisor for Smith fence that did all the chain link fence for the race every year and offered me free tickets but I never took him up on it, Indy cars really don’t interest me, heck in the early 90’s my GF was from Indy and had a family reunion during the 500 so I was looking forward to that but her family said We Don’t Go There we listen on the Radio 😳 and that’s what we did but they had a block party with loud speakers, her older bro owned a hot food truck that was all stocked up, that was a really big fun time and the whole street gets involved, really was great 👍👍🙂
What happened to block parties into the witching hours? What great memories.
Same GF other bro (she had 5 bros, 2 more in Co.) lived here in St Pete. on a road about 2 blocks long and V’d into another road that was all industrial so not really a dead end but dead end for residential homes, he lived on the N end on West side of St, 2 more friends had homes half way going South on the other side and they use to have or try to have some block parties but usually some assholes would call cops and ruin things 🤨
Indy isn't what it used to be anymore. Way back in the 50's and 60's guys would enter the Indy 500 with home built cars and actually make the race. In the late 70's a guy even made the race with a stock block engine (SBC) as the stock blocks got a 100 lb weight break as it helped them qualify but in the race it wasn't competitive. They made a big thing about one motor that was a school bus motor and qualified at the 500.
The whole month of May was devoted to the Indy 500. Nascar never had anything close to that even though they tried.
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