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Stevie also sang "Go Your Own Way" , Lindsay Buckingham's song bitching about her wanting to stay single.
And she aborted her baby with Don Henley, who wanted to marry her.
Hope she found happiness in her old age with zero children. :)
But she is truly 100X what Taylor Swift would hope to be.
I'm a fan of Nick's music, but she's lived out her selfishness and she'll be paying the price. Liked McVie's voice a tad more and the song's themselves. Cred to Nicks' though, she could wale and had extreme range. A live "Rihanna" by Nicks is powerful stuff, can't remember the venue.
I'm a fan of Nick's music, but she's lived out her selfishness and she'll be paying the price. Liked McVie's voice a tad more and the song's themselves. Cred to Nicks' though, she could wale and had extreme range. A live "Rihanna" by Nicks is powerful stuff, can't remember the venue.
Stevie snorted a lot of her money. It is amazing how many rockers are still around from all of their substance abuse.
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