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On The Road Again... California 2024

Castle doctrine covers your mobile home/trailer and in Oregon it covers any vehicle you're in.....not sure of any other state.
Unfortunately California is a non reciprocal state (big surprise there) and Louisiana on the return trip but they are going Constitutional Carry in July. I could hide a firearm in the camper while in CA where it would be very hard to find.

2 Dogs in the camper helps, my big girl is 85 lbs and Brindle. Let me think, I have a Billie club...
I was thinking more or less new england, kommiefornication, and a few others, but I guess there are a few. Don't think I'd carry in the states though.
Trip prep update:

-- All wheel bearing inspected and repacked.
--All seals, pivot points and worm drives have been lubricated.
--Water heater has had the vinegar descaling treatment. Batteries have been checked, cleaned and topped off with distilled water and new battery box hold down straps installed.
--A/C checked
--Installed old camp trunk on rear rack to hold sewer supplies
-- Mounted spare tire and diesel cans on rear rack.

Remaining items include:
--Sanitizing fresh water tank.
--Dumping and adding cleaner and water in all 3 tanks to slosh while on our way to our first camp site.
--Check tire pressures and replace TPMS batteries.
--Wash and wax.

The Excursion has only a couple items remaining:
--Scheduled for dealer to install exact charge in A/C, Excursions seem to be very sensitive to the amount, with rear air 4 lbs 4 oz, right now it appears to be overcharged as guy who installed evaporator did it by gauges.
-- Oil and filter change
--Wash and maybe a wax.
--Set towing tire pressures

The kids have made their plane reservations to meet us along the way. Everything is coming together.
I should have mine out by the time you come back, stop by & take care of mine. I'll make you a list. :whistle:
And by the time you get yours ready for the season, I'll be putting the battle cruiser up for sale. Lisa's done with camping forever. Hotels for us now. Someone else can do all the work when we arrive someplace.
Easy to be overwhelmed at my age. It's an everyday thing.

Because our bodies don't move like they used to. Some days rolling out of bed is a struggle, but a little push is all it takes (most days), and we just do things a bit slower. I'm finding retirement requires some focus because there are so many things I want to do, but determining the task and priority works best for me. Just like anything else that can seem overwhelming, it's the same as eating and elephant.... one bite at a time.
Because our bodies don't move like they used to. Some days rolling out of bed is a struggle, but a little push is all it takes (most days), and we just do things a bit slower. I'm finding retirement requires some focus because there are so many things I want to do, but determining the task and priority works best for me. Just like anything else that can seem overwhelming, it's the same as eating and elephant.... one bite at a time.
I am with ya. Something always comes up, had to fix the lawn mower last night when I got home. I am having to deal more and more with elderly parents and wife dealing with her father. As the kids have gotten older and on their own their needs have changed but still require time and assistance.
T minus 7 days.

Final prep weekend. Dewinterized, sanitizing fresh tank, water system pressurized and tested for leaks, furnace tested, A/C units working, refrigerator on and stove tested, A handle broke on the galley gate valve, easy fix, part will be in tomorrow.
Wife is on her way to pick up a gate valve from an RV store, Amazon can't get us one. That company is really getting sucky.
We are planning another long road trip very soon, destination: Pacific Ocean, Faria Beach, CA

Along the way we will be making visits to Cadillac Ranch, Big Texan Steak House, Painted Desert/Petrified Forest, Winslow, AZ (stand on a corner), Meteor Crater, Zion, Sand Hollow State Park, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Hollywood, LA County Fire Museum, Pacific Coast Highway, Grand Canyon, Montezuma's Castle, Sedona, Tucson, White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns and many other stops.

More details to come.
I didn't see Wichita Kansas on the list, but I'll wait for "More details to come" 🤣
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