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What’d you buy?

Some people get caught up in the bidding and just have to win at all costs. Saw it so many times when I used to buy from ebay.

Funny story... the dealer fucked up. I went in the first time to just talk to a salesman, and he built a truck in the system to show me pricing. I went in a week later, and ordered a truck.

He submitted both orders.

So they got 2 almost identical trucks, except the first one had 5th wheel prep, spray in bedliner, and no clearance lights on the cab. 2nd truck had cab lights, but no 5th wheel or bed liner.

I was regretting not ordering the 5th wheel package... I have already started looking at 36ft trailers. 🤣 I ended up buying the first one for an extra $1000.

I'll be picking it up Friday.
Bet that didn't include refreshments either.
Nope, it’s not till next month but I’m sure more $$ involved, and Kathy needs a new outfit to where and she’s very conservative about that but gonna be a $200-+ outing lol
Nope, it’s not till next month but I’m sure more $$ involved, and Kathy needs a new outfit to where and she’s very conservative about that but gonna be a $200-+ outing lol

Well, Kathy has to feel pretty for her grandbabies, so that's a must, but it's a good thing if she wants to get out and about.
I got home a few min ago and going to print tickets, we’re old so instead of showing a phone screen we’re showing them Paper 🤣
If that's a laser printer, you may need to replace your toner or the drum/imaging unit. It shouldn't look like that.
I think it’s time for a new laser ink deal, it’s a Samsung Fu laser jet printer


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