Old Chevelles

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Search results

  1. P

    VIN stampings

    Ok so I can tell the trim tag has been removed when they restored the car. But does trim tag look real? Engine stamp pad and trans stamp? Friend thinks Trans stamp looks off but not sure how you get pitting back if it is fake.
  2. P

    Chevelle or Camaro

    So I have an opportunity for an off market deal through a friend and it is a tough decision for me. My first muscle car I ever purchased was my 67 Chevelle SS - 396/350 4 speed car NOM. It is a nice driver and I still love the car. Well I would have to sell it to get my buddies car that is a...
  3. P

    New Garage Art

    So as some of you know my wife and I ordered a Hellcat Durango for her. On the hellcat forum one of the guys friends posted this flag he got from his friend and there was a interest from some of the other guys. He charges $120 for the Flags and they are made of real wood and he does everything...
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