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I've been meaning to swap out the rear view mirror in my 1 owner 09 RAM since a neighborhood guy started his own mobile detail bus and I thought I'd like to help a small local bus out, well too much liquid on my mirror and the silver went to hell all the way around it 1/4-3/4" so Monday was a slow day and off to the local Pick & Pull I went and found one for my truck after the guy looked on the comp. and said "We dont have an 09-10 Ram and that's what it shows you need" I said Ebay show diff models even mini vans fit so for $3 in the JY I went and got one from an earlier model Ram, I only paid $10.75 for a nice but dirty mirror then later noticed $2.18 was 90 day insurance lol, so now they charge extra if it breaks or whatever, I also seen an 02 Camaro with all the brake components that Im thinking of swapping my 4 whl D52's out to, $162 but without insurance $116 So just a little something to think about when going to P&P's PS was thinking about core prices for those brakes because they were very rusty, anyone know if Id need the front and rear beackets to swap too?
I need to get off my tail and get to the pick and pull and get an Expedition console and Navigator steering wheel, small upgrades for the Excursion. I am waiting for another Benz E320 to get yanked in, I need some interior trim parts. I would like to get the Sync system out of a Sync3 Fusion and retro it into the 2013.

I picked up an almost new back seat for the Vibe for $40 and a front seat to replace a broken frame, I think it was $20.

No excuse for not going, I get alerts via email when cars on my list are in the yard.
Watch for the "insurance" charge, if you don't need it why pay? I think it's ridiculous they break it down like that but I guess they must have (or their lawyers and bean counters) have a reason lol, I was also trying to think if my 05 168K mile Express 2500 needed anything but couldn't think of anything...till I get in it again lol
Watch for the "insurance" charge, if you don't need it why pay? I think it's ridiculous they break it down like that but I guess they must have (or their lawyers and bean counters) have a reason lol, I was also trying to think if my 05 168K mile Express 2500 needed anything but couldn't think of anything...till I get in it again lol
Watch the core charges on body panels and other parts.
Man, the yards around me are so picked over I feel like it’s a waste of time going.
I went a few times looking for rear disk brakes set ups for S10 and S10 Blazers but all they’ve got is rear drum cars.

I want those specifically because I hear they’ll fit 15 inch wheels
If a car has been there for a month there wont be much left. I have gotten some good stuff in the yards, I built a custom luggage rack for the Excursion, was able to scrounge up what I needed. Oh, when the mower threw a rock and shattered the Durango's rear side glass, I was glad the yard was open on Sunday.
My friend has a 1931 Ford Tudor that's 350 Chevy powered, chopped top with a Pick & Pull Caddy Escalade roof with power sunroof that looks close to factory, forgot what he paid but knowing him not much lol, I'll have to get some pics of it to post, also suicide doors with power openers and a power tilt windshield
In the late '90's when I lived in St. Pete, every once in a while the junkyards would put on a deal of "all you can carry for $50" so my brother and I would go and do some picking.

We'd both put on painter's pants to carry the tools in our pockets to free up our arms to carry stuff.

It was usually a fun Saturday afternoon.
I got a Complete Ford van rear end that way, well minus leaf springs...my back just started hurting lol, hum after thinking about that I had an 84 E 150 and the rear came from a newer van but when I put the rear end in it squatted bad so I had to use 1 or 2 leaves/leafs from the old rear so maybe it was with leaf springs?
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At Copher Brothers all you can carry for $29.99. You had to carry items 10ft to cross the yellow line.
I saw a giant redneck carry a 4cyl motor 10 ft across the line. Everyone was cheering him on.
I had a driveshaft over my shoulder with seatbelts hanging and tied everthing i needed to the seatbelts and tried to keep it balanced for the 10ft. I was installing a small block in my S10 at the time so i needed all kinds of parts. Fun times
Are they still doing that at Copher's? One time I carried a bench seat for a Ford F100 pickup along with a driveshaft, and I paid the price for that later.
At Copher Brothers all you can carry for $29.99. You had to carry items 10ft to cross the yellow line.
I saw a giant redneck carry a 4cyl motor 10 ft across the line. Everyone was cheering him on.
I had a driveshaft over my shoulder with seatbelts hanging and tied everthing i needed to the seatbelts and tried to keep it balanced for the 10ft. I was installing a small block in my S10 at the time so i needed all kinds of parts. Fun times

I'd have paid money to see him carry that motor.
The modern pick and pulls are not as fun as junkyarding in the past. Crawling in mold ridden cars with another car balanced on its roof, wasps, weeds and bugs. Now all the cars are jacked up in gravel lots, feels like a car part supermarket, bring your own "approved" tools.
When I bought the Chevelle 10-11 yrs ago I was prowling JY's for anything useful and found a 68 Nomad in the old Cophers (LQK) in Kenneth City so pulled a few bits & pcs then found a 69 Malibu that had rusted to death in the Clearwater LQK but inside the fenced area and called daily to buy parts as soon as it was released to General Population LOL, bench seat that ended up donated to an LS6 resto in Lake Havasu but kept the back seat and some other small bits & pieces @ $200+ :oops: JY's are selling at crazy high prices IMHO, they wanted $116 W/O insurance, $162 W/I LOL for 4 badly rusted brake rotors & calipers off an 02 Camaro, those prices they should be pulling the parts off IMO
Yep, prices have gone through the roof because so many are just fixing their cars instead of buying new.

Way back when (you know, when the dinosaurs were roaming), you could buy an entire front end for $200 and that was them cutting it at the firewall (including the frame) and loading it too.
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