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Local PandP has a half off sale at least twice a year. The stars have to align for me to go, but I've picked up 2 grand cherokee steering boxes. Prices are high imo, and you NEED to ask before you spend the time pulling, sticker shock at checkout can cause you to leave it there...btdt. I got a tip that a early chevy van was just in, so I removed the side popout windows, which are in high demand.....they wanted $75 each!! They have a spread sheet and a side window is a side window, no matter what the vehicle.
I remember back in my teenage years, we would travel an hour to this junkyard out in the sticks that had a ton of old cars. The owner was an old prick. We would spend hours out there, it was so big. Sometimes when we found something we liked, we'd toss it over the fence, and then pick it up when we left.
Anyone heard of Boot Hill Auto Graveyard in Southern Oh. ? John Coyne owned it and had a WWII tank parked at the entrance that everyone thought was defunkt well ended up up it fired IIRC 50 cal. Out of the machine gun and he ended up shooting someone after a bunch of break ins and theft of parts, I bought some parts from him before that happened like a complete 71-72 Dodge Demon rear end for my 73 Duster in 78, a local JY owner I became friends with, Joe of Economy Auto Salvage use to call me to let me know when he had some cool perf SBC parts in to swap around on my 65 Impala with a 327 and PG (wish he would've said get rid of the PG lol) he was a notary and married me and 1st wife and was shaking really bad, I said Joe Im the one getting married lol, he parked a fresh painted Dodge Dart in my garage once overnight but I cant remember why but great times lots of JY head, int and cam swaps
I've been meaning to swap out the rear view mirror in my 1 owner 09 RAM since a neighborhood guy started his own mobile detail bus and I thought I'd like to help a small local bus out, well too much liquid on my mirror and the silver went to hell all the way around it 1/4-3/4" so Monday was a slow day and off to the local Pick & Pull I went and found one for my truck after the guy looked on the comp. and said "We dont have an 09-10 Ram and that's what it shows you need" I said Ebay show diff models even mini vans fit so for $3 in the JY I went and got one from an earlier model Ram, I only paid $10.75 for a nice but dirty mirror then later noticed $2.18 was 90 day insurance lol, so now they charge extra if it breaks or whatever, I also seen an 02 Camaro with all the brake components that Im thinking of swapping my 4 whl D52's out to, $162 but without insurance $116 So just a little something to think about when going to P&P's PS was thinking about core prices for those brakes because they were very rusty, anyone know if Id need the front and rear beackets to swap too?

If you're still interested in doing the F-body 4 wheel disc swap, let me know. I did it on my '67 pro touring car & for a few hundred bucks, you can have a system equivalent to wilwood or baer for a fraction of the price. You would need the front & rear calipers & brackets, plus the rear backing plates. You'd want to buy new rotors, pads, F body parking cables, plus a 4 wheel disc master & prop valve. Then depending on your front spindles, you'd have to buy adapter brackets that will allow you to mount the calipers.

If you wind up grabbing the goods from the yard, I can guide you along on the install.
Local PandP has a half off sale at least twice a year. The stars have to align for me to go, but I've picked up 2 grand cherokee steering boxes. Prices are high imo, and you NEED to ask before you spend the time pulling, sticker shock at checkout can cause you to leave it there...btdt. I got a tip that a early chevy van was just in, so I removed the side popout windows, which are in high demand.....they wanted $75 each!! They have a spread sheet and a side window is a side window, no matter what the vehicle.

I created a thread on the OCS about this about 2 years ago. When I lived in Vegas there were 2 pic-a-parts, both owned by the same company. It had been a few years since I visited one but I needed to find a set of caliper cores for my wagon build. Found a set on an early 70s Buick, pulled them off & brought them to the front to pay. Guy rings me up & says $76 or something close to that. For two junk calipers? I just looked down at the parts, then looked up at him & said "no thanks".

I drove home shaking my head. It wasn't very long ago when they had the price list up & calipers were less than $10 each.
If you're still interested in doing the F-body 4 wheel disc swap, let me know. I did it on my '67 pro touring car & for a few hundred bucks, you can have a system equivalent to wilwood or baer for a fraction of the price. You would need the front & rear calipers & brackets, plus the rear backing plates. You'd want to buy new rotors, pads, F body parking cables, plus a 4 wheel disc master & prop valve. Then depending on your front spindles, you'd have to buy adapter brackets that will allow you to mount the calipers.

If you wind up grabbing the goods from the yard, I can guide you along on the install.
I also swapped 2000 Camaro 4 wheel discs onto my 67. Great swap and cheap.
Just curious if you have seen any 71's in your JY searching Rick. I haven't seen old iron in a JY in years.
I need a bench seat, is it still in the bottom of the lake?:eek:
Just curious if you have seen any 71's in your JY searching Rick. I haven't seen old iron in a JY in years.
I need a bench seat, is it still in the bottom of the lake?:eek:
I haven't seen any 64-72 Chevelles in the JY's in a couple yrs now, I donated a 69 bench seat W/headrests to a guy restoring an LS6 in Lake Havasu a few yrs ago that I pulled out of a 69 in a Pick & Pull
If you're still interested in doing the F-body 4 wheel disc swap, let me know. I did it on my '67 pro touring car & for a few hundred bucks, you can have a system equivalent to wilwood or baer for a fraction of the price. You would need the front & rear calipers & brackets, plus the rear backing plates. You'd want to buy new rotors, pads, F body parking cables, plus a 4 wheel disc master & prop valve. Then depending on your front spindles, you'd have to buy adapter brackets that will allow you to mount the calipers.

If you wind up grabbing the goods from the yard, I can guide you along on the install.
I have a D52 4 whl disc setup now but really don't like it, think the rear backing plates I already have would work with the 2000 Camaro/Firebird brakes? I don't have E brakes and not really worried about them
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