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Removing Bearing Races.


Shop Foreman
I am overhauling the bearings in my ProPride trailer hitch, They are conical roller bearings, similar to car hub bearings. Is there a tool to more easily remove races besides a hammer and punch? I have 8 races that are in the hub mechanism that I need to remove.

I have a 2 stuck bearings on two separate shafts, I have one almost off. In the picture below the bearing must slide up towards the threads, it has to be dissembled backwards as opposed to a front hub wheel bearing.

I've always used whatever I could to get them off. Most times (like in your case) if I could put them in a vise I'd try and push the spindle out using the jaws of the vise like a stop.
I got the bearings off, 2 of the 8 races are out. New bearings and seals will be delivered tomorrow.

I had a devil of a time finding black spray paint for this project.
I just paid $28 each for 2 Gates belts (power steering and alt) and they had to get 1 of them from another store, $3.50 a foot for 3/4 heater core hose, 4 gallons of coolant was $70, and this was all at Oreilly's.....

They said they have been shifting stock between stores because they can't get alot of parts.
For the paint I searched online OReillys, Auto Zone and Advance in 2 counties. Found 1 can at my local Advance store.

I am glad most of the stuff I have needed was able to be sourced.
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